Anyone who is pursuing a degree in music will tell you they get questioned for their degree choice frequently. Yes, it maybe harder to get a steady job, and we might end up making less money than someone pursuing a engineering degree or a business degree. However, that doesn't mean our choice is wrong, and we will stand by our decision, despite the constant questioning.
“So do you plan to teach?”
While that is always an option, it is not my only option. Please stop assuming things.
“You know you won’t get a job with that degree?”
I guess all the band directors, performers, and producers I’ve seen and heard in my life were just figments of my imagination. My bad.
“What are you going to do for a living though?”
Well, I plan to get a job in the same career field as my degree.
“Have you considered changing to IT?”
Or some other STEM major. Yes I have considered other options, but I am very happy where I am right now.
“So what’s your back up plan?”
I plan to work hard enough so that I won’t need one.
“It must be nice having a light course load!”
Actually I’m taking nineteen hours and eleven classes.
“There is no way you’re taking eleven classes.”
Would you like to see my transcript?
“Yeah, but it’s not like you’re taking nineteen hours of science classes.”
Please leave.
“If you’re a senior, why are you taking a core class?”
Unfortunately, I cannot take all of my core classes within the first two years. I promise I’m a good student.
“I wanted to pick a more useful major.”
Well, being an engineering major wouldn’t help me be a music educator or a performer, so this degree is useful for my career path. Thanks for the input though!
“Man, my parents would have killed me!”
Luckily my parents understand the importance of music to our culture or at least love me enough to pretend to understand it.
“Aren’t you afraid you won’t make it?”
I’m more afraid of not trying.