As the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump is notorious for his indecisive stances on topical issues. See: Trump vs. Trump. In one moment, Trump claims he is in support of something; and, in the next, he claims just the opposite. So, what is the truth? We're not sure, so, instead, we've composed a list of things that are more reliable than Trump's opinions. Enjoy.
1. Mother Nature.
The weather, known for its calmness and predictability, is certainly one of the most reliable aspects of life.
2. A dollar store pregnancy test.
What do the lines mean again?
3. The exact date of the apocalypse.
4. A DIY spray tan.
Everyone loves the look of a radiant tan, but who wants the time it takes to lay out in the sun and get it, not to mention the skin damage? A DIY spray tan is the obvious solution here. Hey, those people on Jersey Shore did it. What could go wrong?
5. Your odds of winning at a casino.
All bets in! You're probably one more bet away from winning it big.
6. How many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop.
The age old question... What better way to find out the truth than to try it yourself?
7. A cheap psychic.
All psychics are obviously 100% reliable, but I find that the cheaper ones are especially helpful.
In the future... I predict... You will be giving me money.
8. What time your car will be ready at the mechanic.
There's nothing better than having your mechanic give you a time estimate, only to greatly exceed it by several hours.
9. How many men Taylor Swift will date before (and if) she decides to get married.
"Got a long list of ex-lovers--they'll tell you I'm insane. But, I've got a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name." You do you, Taylor.
10. Where lightening will strike.
Another easily and clearly estimated effect of Mother Nature.
11. The next team to win the Superbowl.
This is the part where the cheap psychic comes in handy.
12. Your next Tinder match.
Though I personally don't have a Tinder, my friends that do have informed me of Tinder's excellent quality in addition to the thought-provoking philosophical conversations it sparks between matches.
13. What Shaggy did (didn't?) do.
A mystery that still eludes us all to this day...
14. The answer to the question: which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Isn't it obvious? Egg. No, wait... Chicken. Egg?
15. The identity of the zodiac killer.
Case closed, thanks to the 2016 primaries.