Southeastern PA is soooo much different than any other part of PA. It is only once you leave, you realize how great everything about "home" is. Here are the 11 things you will definitely miss when you leave your home in southeastern PA:
Quick rides to Philly
Only an hour (on a good day) on Route One or I-95 to get to the city!
Kennett Square
Sure, it may smell like literal sh*t all the time, but that's part of its charm!
The sweet cream cheese pretzels, the hoagies, the macaroni and cheese...
There are Amish in other parts of PA, but nowhere near the amount in Lancaster County. I actually miss having to pass 15 buggies on the way to school in the morning.
Philly Sports
Central PA is filled with Penguins, Steelers, and Pirates fans. I miss being surrounded by Flyers, Eagles, Phillies, and Sixers fans! #NoOneLikesUs
You're a short drive away from multiple states
Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia. All within a couple hour drive!
A two-hour drive to the beach
From my neck of the woods, it is two-hours to Rehoboth Beach! It takes me four hours now to get to the coast.
The food
Cheesesteaks, hoagies, Chickie's and Pete's Crab Fries, Herr's Potato Chips. Need I say more?
Ok, I know I've listed Wawa multiple times, but it totally deserves it. Wawa is superior to all other gas stations. End. Of. Discussion.