I always say how much I don't miss high school, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss anything at all. College is about your future, and I love that, but high school was definitely an important time of my life. High school shaped me into the woman I am today and my college experience wouldn't be the same without it. There are actually quite a few things I do miss about high school, believe it or not. Here are seven reasons I miss school:
1. Being forced to see your friends everyday.
While we can all agree that it sucked to see some people we couldn't stand everyday, at least we got to see our friends. In college, I constantly hear "when will I see you again" or "you never make time for me" and there's not much I can do about it. College is very busy and a lot of us are so far from our high school friends that it's almost impossible at times to see your friends. In high school, whether you wanted to or not, you were guaranteed to see your friends. I miss walking into school and seeing my friend 5 days a week without having to travel or take time out of my day. It was all forced time and honestly I miss it.
2. Passing a test without having to study for hours.
I couldn't even tell you a time I had to study for literally anything in high school. If you were paying attention in class then the test was a breeze. College is different. You could be present in school, have all the notes in the world, but if you don't study then you're screwed. There's always something in your book or notes that either wasn't covered enough or there's just so much information that it's hard to retain without having multiple study sessions. This was probably one of the biggest adjustments I had to get use to.
3. Having money in your bank account because you had no responsibilities.
I had a consistent job from the time I hit 16 up until I graduated high school. I was paid minimum wage, but what was I using that money for? I was able to save a lot of money due to the fact I wasn't spending it on anything important. In college, if you are lucky enough to have the time for a job, your money is constantly being spent on everything. We are basically supporting ourselves and heck my bank account was not ready for that change.
4. The freshman 15 not existing.
I was actually in the best shape during my high school career. I can't explain why this is such an issue in college, but I wish it didn't exist.
5. Not having to sit in a three-hour lecture.
I remember as a high school student a 40 minute class felt like torture. Now I'm in college with classes longer than 3 hours and I can't believe I even complained about a class that was less than an hour in high school. I really took my high school schedule for granted.
6. Having locker buddies!
I have met some great friends due to the fact that we had lockers. Even though in college we literally have our own dorm or apartment, it's just not the same as having a locker. I miss walking into school and heading to my locker and seeing the friends that were next to me. It was a great start to my day. Now that I'm in college and go from my dorm to class, all I have to look forward to is possibly a chance of catching my roommate before she's already heading to class.
Don't get me wrong, I love college and I wouldn't want to have to repeat high school again, but high school definitely had it's perks. The people I met and the memories I made will never be forgotten and I am forever grateful for it all.