Most people can’t wait to graduate high school and move away, but that thought never really crossed the minds of the students of Bangor High. Coming from a small town, school and sporting events were everything. You always knew that Friday nights consisted of painting up for the football game, then celebrating at Applebee’s for half-priced apps. Although college is fun and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, there are things I will always miss about being a Bangor Slater.
1. Fall
I don’t know if it’s just me, but fall at Bangor high school was what I always loved and looked forward to. Whether it was sports, Slaterfest or other activities, there was always something to do with your best friends.
2. Spirit Week
Ah, the best week of the school year. I always looked forward to dressing up in crazy outfits every day and being able to beat our rivals during the football game at the end of the week. On the eve of the big game, being at the pep rally and bonfire surrounded by your closest classmates is a feeling and memory that will never be forgotten.
3. Sports
This is what the student body lives for. No matter what sport it was, there were always people there ready to cheer you on. Everyone was set on going to every single game and there was constantly an immense amount of support and pride at every single event.
4. Quarry Crew
I can honestly say that there weren’t many things in high school that were better than being a part of the Crew. Getting able to dress up every single week in neon or school colors and cheering on your friends was so exciting. The school spirit spewing out of everyone all the time was an amazing environment to be around. I definitely miss the pep rallies and spirit checks during lunch.
5. Lunches
I can’t even believe I’m saying this right now because every day of my entire high school career I complained about the food. But, I do have to admit that there are some days that I could go for some cafeteria nachos or the infamous chicken in a bowl.
6. Togetherness
This, by far, is the top thing that I miss. Going to a small high school made me grow such closer and appreciate all of my friends so much more. Whether it be walking through the halls or at a school event, there was always a sense of togetherness amongst everyone. No matter how small of a college you go to, you’re never going to experience that same feeling of closeness with your peers ever again.
Although we have all graduated by now and moved on with our lives, Bangor has given all of us some of our greatest memories. I will forever cherish my hometown and high school. And always remember that “There’s nothing greater than being a slater.”