You know, there are a lot of things Millennials seem to know. There's plenty of useless info out there on the world wide web. Unfortunately, that info is no good when it comes to real life. It seems that the older we get, the less we can function. It's all thanks to a lack of education. Schools aren't teaching us basic life skills and it doesn't seem like parents are stepping in to fill the gap either. So, here are some of the major things I've noticed haven't been taught.
1. How to balance a checkbook
What even is a checkbook?
2. General vehicle maintenance
Change a tire? But…isn’t that what AAA is for?
3. Cook a healthy meal that didn’t come from a box
I usually just order takeout. That’s healthy, right?
4. Time management
Spreading yourself so thin that you can’t function and never sleep is totally normal, isn’t it?
5. How to sew
Well, I guess I have to throw this pair of pants out and buy a new pair.
6. How to iron
I thought you made grilled cheese with that thing.
7. How loans work
What do you mean I have to pay that back?!
8. Budgeting
Well, I spent my paycheck in the first week of this month. I’ve got $2 to make it to the end of the month.
I know there's more, so please add them in the comments. Maybe we can convince schools and parents to bring back educational courses on basic life skills because adulting is insanely hard without that knowledge.