Another year has come and gone, and America still has an extensive list of problems. Every country does right? Well, yes, I'm sure they do, but what if our nation actually made an effort to address these issues this upcoming year. What if we stride to do the best for the people, and not just those in power? What if we did more than offer "our thoughts and prayers"? What if we actually created change? So I offer you this America, New Year's Resolutions we, as one nation, should aim for.
1. Be hopeful
Too often we feel as though our voices are unheard, are meaningless. This makes it all too easy to remove ourselves from the issues we know exist. Continue to call your representatives, to write letters, to stand up to injustice. Be hopeful that someday, someone will come along and listen.
2. Use your voice
The easy choice is to remain silent. To look the other way because you don't want to make waves or make things uncomfortable. This will change nothing. To make a change, you have to tell people things they may not like, be okay with being a one-person team on the issue, and most of all be okay with uncomfortableness.
3. Embrace feminism
Our country needs to not only become more educated of feminism but embrace it as well. Feminism is not an attack on men. Feminism is not about women being better than men. Feminism is about women's rights. About women being treated equal to men in all settings, to be given all the opportunities as men, and never being discriminated against because of their sex.
4. Universal healthcare
This should be a bipartisan issue. No matter what religion, political party, or social group you align with, everyone deserves access to decent healthcare. No American should have to face the decision of making a house payment and seeking medical attention.
5. A tax plan that benefits the lower and middle class.
...And doesn't just offer tax breaks to the most wealthy families in the country such as the Walton Family.
6. Address climate change
And not by bringing a snowball into a congressional meeting to prove the earth is not heating. Yeah, that actually happened. We have to address climate change, put laws in action that pave the way to renewable energy, cleaner air, and greener options. Anything, on the contrary, is moving backward and is only further dooming us all to the full frontal explosion of climate change's effect.
7. Elect more officials who embrace/ promote diversity
It is such a dangerous thing to elect leaders who stand before large crowds and blame a single race, religion, ethnicity, etc. for all of our nation's problems. This bigotry creates tension between groups that lead to hate crimes, riots, and a lack of acceptance in a country that has only ever thrived on its diversity. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".
8. Do something...ANYTHING about gun violence.
America has seen very little change to gun laws in decades. And it seems as if there is a change, it is headed in the wrong direction. How many more students need to be shot at school, employees slaughtered at work, or fans murdered at music events, before Congress does more than offer their thoughts and prayers to the victims. This does not honor the lives of the victims. Inaction is a disgrace to their memory.
9. Support the LGBTQ community.
One of the best ways to offer support to the LGBTQ community is by educating yourself on all the branches of this community. What is offensive, why it is, what pronouns should be used, and about everything they have to offer to society if they quit being held back by stereotypes, ignorance, and phobias. Everyone should have the right to be who they want to be and love who they want to love. This is a basic human right, not a political statement.
10. Support Planned Parenthood
Ok everyone, it is time to learn about everything Planned Parenthood offers and does for the nation should as affordable contraceptives, STD screenings, cancer screenings, medical exams and more. They are not a public enemy, but rather a savior to those who rely on their affordable care to meet health and family planning needs.