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10 Things That Give You Relief After A Stressful Day

Some days are just literal hell but somethings make those days a little more bearable.

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Some days suck but these 10 things make the suck a little less. The also make hell a little more bearable.

Essential Oils

These things have in a short amount of time become my saving grace. They have literally cured anything I've used them for and stress is one of those many things. From the stress away oil being rolled on you to it being diffused with lavender makes these the number one thing to make sucky days less sucky.

Hot Tea

Hot tea soothes me and makes me just feel warm and cozy inside. That feeling is like being wrapped in a hug by your mom when she is not there to do it. It makes you feel safe and like nothing else matters in the world.


Coffee is just like tea, but sometimes a little better. Coffee and tea are interchangeable and it just depends which one I am really leaning towards that day.

Ice Cream

Ice cream even though it is cold makes you feel calm inside. I know when I get stressed I sometimes get a very hot feeling and an angry feeling and ice cream definitely helps soothe that feeling.


Something about wine just makes you feel so calm. I mean it is probably the alcohol content that makes you feel calm, but a nice glass of wine makes me feel sleepy. It honestly gets me ready for bed and clears my mind.

Face Masks

Face masks allow you to just lay down close your eyes and have a cooling sensation come over you. If you pair this with wine and the next two things then you are set for a completely stress free zone.

Hot Baths

A hot bath soothes your muscles and bones and make whatever aching you have go away. Even though we may not feel the aching it is there. Also if you pair the bath with a bath bomb it just makes it that much more satisfying. Run a hot bath, add wine, face masks, and the next thing all your worries will disappear.


Whether you light 1 or 99 they make any worry disappear. The way the flame moves or the smell that comes forth makes everything in the world okay again.

A Good Book

Books make your brain go to a place that is all your own. A book opens up a whole new world and makes this world disappear for a few pages or a few chapters.

Freshly Made Bed

As soon as the bath is done, face mask is off, and wine is finished it's time for bed. With the candles still lit it makes you feel just content. Then you see the freshly bed made and that gives you some kind of satisfaction that you've accomplished something for the day. Also the satisfying feeling of pulling those covers back and getting in just makes the end of the day perfect.

All ten of these things are just perfect. The make you forget about whatever was stressing you out. Now you can use all ten in one day, just one if one is your favorite, or a mixture of a few. I personally sometimes do all ten so find your fancy and what works for you and relax away.

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