20 Things That Will Make You Happy | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things That Will Make You Happy

Is there anything better than a book and a cup of tea?

20 Things That Will Make You Happy

Every once in a while, we could all use a little extra dose of happiness. Sometimes you get it by talking to a friend, maybe saying a prayer, or participating in an activity that you enjoy. There is also another way that you can remind yourself of all the blessings that life has to offer and that is by simply making a list. With the semester well-underway at this point, it is safe to say that most of us are slipping back into that school routine, which can leave us walking around like zombies just trying to make it from one day to the next. Whenever I feel myself being overtaken by this state I like to remind myself of all the good and happy things there are in this world.

1. Warm, sunny days

I know it's winter... but the thought it nice!

2. A good book.

Is there anything better than a book and a cup of tea?

3. Dancing in your kitchen.

It fixes everything!

4. Positive people.

It is nice to know someone is always cheering you on.

5. Spending time outdoors.

Being out in nature is one of the best forms of therapy!

6. City lights.

We've all witnessed that view of a breathtaking city that is lit up at night!

7. It's 2018!

Maybe you love the energy that surrounds a new year, and maybe you stay away from anything that has to do with the "new year, new you" mentality. Regardless, it is a new year and you here!

8. Singing your favorite song... in the car... with the windows down.

Anyone else love to sing The Proclaimer's I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) like they on How I Met Your Mother?

9. Funny YouTube videos.

We all have that one video that never fails to leave us in tears!

10. A good quote.

There are lots of them, but I'm talking about the one that speaks directly to you.

11. A killer music playlist!

It has all your favorite jams.

12. Stargazing.

Grab a blanket and count how many shooting stars you see.

13. A delicious cup of coffee

Without a doubt this is the best way to start your morning!

14. Unplugging from the rest of the world.

Disconnect from the online world. Watch the sunset, enjoy the sunshine, talk to your friends in person.

15. Snow covered mountains.

One of the prettiest sights in nature!

16. Cake.

One of life's greatest blessings.

17. A cozy blanket.

One of the best feelings is getting home after a long day and snuggling up on the couch in your favorite blanket watching your favorite movie.

18. A bouquet of flowers.

They brighten up a room.

19. A cheeseburger and fries.

It's everyone's favorite food.

20. Your friends.

These are the people who are always by your side.

Need a little more happiness? Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this series!
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