14 Things I Lose Way Too Often
- Socks - I don’t know if the dryer has a sock fairy or not, but my socks always come back out with the matching missing.
- Bookmarks - Am I one of the only people that doesn’t read books online? I can’t stand staring at a screen for hours. Unfortunately, I suck at keeping up with bookmarks too so I’m forced to ruin my good books via dog-earing the pages.
- Bobby Pins - Although I seem to lose these and leave them everywhere, I also find them all over my room.
- My Phone - *looks for my phone right now*
- The Grocery List - I feel so accomplished when I sit down and write out my list. I feel absolutely awful when I lose it in the car on the way to the grocery store.
- Money - If all of your change doesn’t fall into the gaping black hole in between your front car seats, do you even drive? This never fails.
- Cards - Debit cards, Birthday cards, ID cards. You name it, I’ve misplaced them.
- Mail - Usually putting all of the junk mail in the garbage or on the counter somewhere seems like no big deal, that is until the one tiny piece of important information you were looking for is in that massive pile somewhere.
- Nail Polish - Somehow, every time I take my favorite polish to the salon, it never makes it back to my house. I smell a conspiracy.
- Hair Ties - Just buy these in bulk. If they don’t break on you first, they just run away.
- Name Tag - I show up to work, nameless, for at least half of the week. Once, I left my magnetic name tag on top of my car and remembered mid-way through my morning commute. A casual retrieval while going down the highway was definitely necessary.
- Pens - These are the office supply equivalent of losing the bobby pins.
- Chapstick - Lord have mercy. WHERE DO THEY GO?
- Sanity - I lost this when I started college. If I’m not stressed, something isn’t right. That obviously means that I forgot about something.