With fall quarter coming to a close, I am just about dead from studying and working on finals. But the good thing is that winter break is just around the corner! There are many things to look forward to in such a long break; here are some things that I'm excited for when finals are over.
1. Hanging out with friends.
Being with the homies all day, every day.
2. Sleeping in
.That feeling when you wake up and realize you can just go back to sleep. Bliss.
3. Catching up on anime.
Like they say: Too much anime, not enough time.
4. Working on music.
It's been a minute since I've worked on some songs.
5. Eating home-cooked food.
I won't be missing Western Washington University's dining hall.
6. The holidays.
I mean, who doesn't get excited for Christmas and New Years?
7. Getting a break from studying.
My brain is basically fried. It's time for relaxation.
8. Spending time with family.
I miss being home...
9. Focusing on writing.
These poems aren't gonna write themselves.
10. More time for video games.
Maybe I should get that Final Fantasy XV.
11. Having a free schedule.
I can do whatever I want.