Here are some of the things that I learned over Thanksgiving break!
1. Traffic is f*&#ing horrible on Thanksgiving Day!
I was honestly surprised that I stayed as calm as I did as I was driving my grandfather to my Aunt and Uncle's house near Boston.
2. It's best not to assume when you are actually going to be eating the Thanksgiving meal.
Because cooking the meal always takes longer than people originally think. So if you think it's going to be around 3pm that you are eating, it's most likely going to be more around 7pm.
3. Thanksgiving turkey is the best turkey.
Like for real, why does it never taste that good any other time of the year? Well, I guess the only other time I have turkey is on a sandwich, but still. It should taste just as good!
4. I can drink a lot of sparkling cranberry wine in one go.
I'm not saying I'm particularly proud of my actions after the second bottle, but I am somewhat impressed.
5. I am sincerely thankful to all the people in my life.
Of course I figured this out after the second bottle of cranberry wine, but I actually sat down and messaged everyone I saw come online on Facebook and wished them a Happy Thanksgiving.
6. There is a safe way to talk about politics during Thanksgiving.
The key is to do it after everyone has finished eating and they no longer have knives within their reach. Another key is to not be a d%@k about it.
7. My boyfriend's family is a lot louder than my own family.
I didn't realize it until I got home and it was super quiet, so I asked, "Yo, where's the party?"
8. My boyfriend is adorable.
Alright, I already knew that but it was even more apparent over Thanksgiving. He found a rare green potato chip and brought it to me and he said "I thought you might like this." I almost cried.
9. Hangovers can last longer than the morning after.
Was the cranberry wine worth it? Maybe during a longer break, but not when I have like three papers due in the next week. Help me.
10. There should be a thing called the Thanksgiving Thirteen.
Because I'm pretty sure 13 is the amount of pounds I put on during this break. I even joined WeightWatchers the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Wish me luck!