The transition from high school to college is a time where you learn a lot about yourself and what makes you a unique individual. Among living on your own, being apart from some of the people that you've spent your whole life with, meeting new people, and just in general being in a new environment that you've never been in before, you are bound to learn things about yourself that you've never had the opportunity of learning about yourself. In my freshman year of college, I have learned and changed so much since high school. Here are some things that have I have learned since coming to college that other people can also relate to.
Leave toxic friends and relationships behind.Â
When I look back at high school and even the beginning of my college career, I can see where I allowed myself to be subject to poor treatment in hopes of remaining in a relationship with those people. Upon coming to college, I have met so many people who have shown me what it is like to be truly treated with respect and dignity. I have learned that I am worth being the first priority in people's lives and those who treat me as if I'm not are not worth my time or worthy of my love.
I have learned to become more confident in who I am.Â
I have always been someone who has been insecure about myself. I have learned to focus on a lot of my flaws instead of focusing on the positive aspects of myself. Upon coming to college I have learned that I have so much to offer the world and there are a lot of beautiful things about myself that I should be embracing instead of overlooking.
It is okay to make mistakes.Â
In the past, I have been very hard on myself when I have made mistakes. I have beat myself up so much to a point where I have felt like I am worthless and guilt has consumed me. Upon coming to college I have learned that it is okay to make mistakes. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. It's impossible to be perfect so there is no use in beating myself up over mistakes that I can not reverse. I can only move forward with my life and hope to learn from the mistakes that I've made.
No matter what you do, you will always be judged.Â
My whole life I have focused on pleasing people and trying to make them like me. Upon coming to college, I have learned that no matter how you act, someone is going to judge you. There is no way you can ever please everyone so you might as well be yourself and be happy instead of trying to please everyone.
Be yourself
As long as you are yourself and you embrace who you are, you will be the happiest version of yourself.