"Friends"is a story revolving around six 20-somethings trying to get their lives together in New York City. This TV show made a huge impact on millions of viewers worldwide and has taught many life lessons. "Friends" is more than just a TV show, it is a lifestyle. If you haven't watched "Friends" yet, I recommend you direct your attention towards Netflix and come back when you have finished the last episode of Season 10. In the meantime, for those who have binge watched "Friends" at least once here is a list of things I know we have all learned from this amazing TV show.
1. It's fine to watch TV in wedding dresses.
2. Sometimes you don't have to use words to communicate.
3. Wearing leather pants can be a bit messy.
4. Don't stress about the future, you don't always need a "plan."
5. Don't be afraid to express your true feelings.
6. Your friends are the family you choose.
7. The true meaning of "I think we should see other people"
8. How to get revenge, properly.
9. How not to run.
10. Goodbyes are the hardest.
11. Say the right name at your wedding.
12. Y-O-U- apostrophe-R-E means you are. Y-O-U-R means your.
13. "We were on a break!" Is never an acceptable excuse.
14. The person who is your total opposite will turn out to be your soul mate.
15. Everybody has a lobster.
16. "How you doin'" never fails.
17. Napping with your best friend may be the best nap you ever take.
18. A chick and duck make the best pets.
19. How to cure a jellyfish burn.
20. What a phalange is...
21. How not to dance.
22. It's ok for guys to take baths.
23. Know when to Pivot.
24. Some friendships last forever.
I will forever wish I was apart of this perfectly dysfunctional group of people, catch you all at Central Perk.