College is so much different than high school. Sometimes I miss high school, but most of the time I am thankful for how much time I have to get everything done because there really is so much more to get done. Here are a few things I have learned in my first semester of college.
1. It is hard so you have to study
I can count on one hand the number of times I studied for tests multiple days in advance while in high school. Most of those times I was studying for the ACT. I just didn't have to study. I could listen in class and make decent grades. College is COMPLETELY different. I have had far less than decent grades this first semester because I just wasn't prepared. I didn't know how to study, and I am still honestly figuring it out.
2. It is okay to have fun just not all the time
Everyone says college is amazing. You get to go out all the time and you do all this fun stuff with your friends. This is all very true. However, going into your first semester with the mindset that college is all fun and no work is a lie. There are way more opportunities to have fun than there are to bring your grade up, so just remember you're here to get an education.
3. Your roommate is a major key in how much you enjoy college
I know so many people that have terrible roommate situations. They have had to move in the middle of the semester or have just had to endure very hard situations. Try to pick your roommate and pick him/her wisely.
Please do not make fun of me here. I knew how to do laundry. I just never had to do it when I was at home. My grandfather always did it for us. (praise Papaw x1 million) And when my grandfather didn't do it, my mom or grandmother would. It was just never something I had to do myself. Since coming to college, I have gone to Wal-Mart and picked out matching scented detergent, smell good beads and dryer sheets, and let me tell y'all: doing laundry is now sorta fun because it all smells the same. Folding on the other hand........
5. If you are gonna be late for class, hurry and still make it there
This is another difference between high school and college. In high school if you are late, just stop and get breakfast and be a little later. Not in college. If you wake up late or just happen to be late for some other reason, just make it there. It's better to be able to hear a little bit of lecture than none at all.
6. You're going to get sick so be prepared
There are so many people living in the same area. Germs are being shared on every door knob and desk. You're sleeping schedule is gonna be messed up, and your eating is gonna be unorganized. Getting sick is bound to happen, so just be prepared with the right medicine. Catch it early and try your best to not skip class!!
7. Eating is not on a schedule
Honestly, it's 4:00 p.m. right now and I have not eaten anything since 9:00 a.m. and it was only an apple. Your eating schedule will get messed up. This is what causes some to gain the freshman 15. There are tons of options for food around you at all times. It is easy to grab a candy bar or a bag of chips. Don't do it. Try to stay on a schedule, but if you can't, just wait until there is something at least a little healthy for you to eat.
8. It's okay to not give your money to every organization
If you go to a big school then there will most likely be hundreds of organizations raising money for something new every day. It is okay not to give to each organization. In college, funds run low. Sometimes it makes absolute sense to save your money than to give $5 to the new organization. Do not feel bad. I promise there will be plenty more chances for you to help your school.
9. Making friends can be hard, but it gets easier
Making friends in general is such a weird thing. You pick a random person and think oh they look cool I think I wanna talk to them, and it goes from there. In college, it's even weirder because you may see someone someday and then you may not see them the next or ever again. Just remember that most of the time everyone there is trying to find the place they fit in and a friend to have. So go out of your comfort zone and speak to the person you think is cool. You never know how things will end up.
10. Walking to class in extreme temperatures is not fun
The first few weeks of my semester the weather was so so hot. You could have walked to class in a swimsuit and still been soaked in sweat by the time you got there. Now later in the semester, I have walked to class while it is snowing. Now snow this early is unlike Mississippi weather, but it happened. Trust me. Neither of these times was I thrilled to walk to class. I would have much rather stayed in my climate neutral dorm room. But I know that I will get so far behind if I do not go to class, so I went anyway and have always been happy that I did.