Being 20 years old I have already gone through a lot and have learned a ton of lessons. I have a whole lot of lessons to still be learned but here are 20 things you should know before you turn 20. I hope you learn the same lessons as I did!
Respect Everyone R-E-S-P-E-C-T I know we've all heard this a million times but It truly goes a long way. If you're respectful to someone chances are they'll be respectful right back and it'll make the situation a whole lot easier!
College is about finding your bridesmaids not your husband Live you college life up with your girlfriends. These are the nights that you will be telling your children about one day. Well not all of them :p There is definitely a chance you could find your husband but don't go looking for him.
Come to terms that a smaller group of friends is better.Having a big group of friends is ideal especially when you were in high school. But that changes. Things change and people change. Having a few true friends is better than having 6 friends who all talk shit behind your back.
Tell someone when you love them. Whether it be your boyfriend/girlfriend, or that person you're secretly in love with TELL. I know you're nervous but what if you tell them and they feel the same way then you won't be so nervous anymore!
Take Time For Yourself Always always make time for yourself. Go for a drive to get coffee, watch a Netflix movie alone or read a book. It's always good to do something for you once in a while.
Tell your parents that you appreciate them. They've been there from the very begining so make sure you let them know that you do appreciate them even if you guys argue.
It's OK if you fail at something. Nobody is perfect not even Hannah Montana so it's OK that you failed your Chemistry class or failed your road test.
Capture the moment. Take pictures and lots of them. One of these days you'll print them out and save them for years later
Don't use Facebook as a diary. Facebook is to stay in touch with others but not to vent about your boyfriend issues.
Always try new things! Try new foods or try a new sport! If you have the opprotunity and don't you'll look back one day and regret it.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Stressing out is not good for anyone so take everything with a grain of salt!
Consequences of the decisions you make. S/O to my Dad for this one. For each decision you make in your life you will have to deal with consequences. Some good some bad but it will turn you into who you're suppose to be.
Save Money. This one is super hard for me but putting away a little money at a time will pay off. I always collect change in a jar and turn it in once it gets to a lot of money!
Donate. Whether it be giving food to a homeless shelter or giving away your old clothes. You're helping someone who needs it better than you do and you'll feel so great about yourself.
Mom's are forever ALWAYS right. They know where my missing socks from the laundry go and she always knows a bad friend when she sees one.
Laugh until you cry, everyday. They say laughter is the best medicine. It's guarantee to change your day and make you a little happier.
The ones who are meant to be will gravitate back towards you. If someone is meant to be in your life they will come back. It might not be tomorrow it may be 5 years from now but they'll come back.
You deserve so much better than you've receive. Know that you deserve people who are going to treat you how you're suppose to be treated
Get rid of toxic relationships. As hard as it will be it will be worth it in the end.
Don't Procrastinate. When you have to clean your room DO IT! If you have to study DO IT! It'll feel so much better doing it first then at the last minute