When you are sitting on the couch and the remote is across the room, what do you do? Do you: A) get up from your comfortable couch and get the remote? or B) leave the remote there until someone walks into the room. If your answer is B, then you will relate to these 25 things only lazy people understand:
1. Having to get out of bed in morning
2. Deciding that getting out of bed right now isn’t the right options and you stay in bed longer
3. Scrolling through Instagram to trick yourself into thinking you're doing something, but it’s really an excuse to not get out of bed.
4. Not brushing your teeth before breakfast because you’re just going to eat food anyway.
5. Wanting to make pancakes but don’t actually want to make them.
6. Debate on ordering take out for pancakes.
7. Realizing that ordering them is more work than making pancakes.
8. Giving up on pancakes and just pouring a bowl of cereal.
9. “I will only watch one episode while I eat.”
10. Not having to switch episodes on Netflix because it does it automatically.
11. When you lose the remote and just watch whatever is on TV.
12. Never wanting to clean.
13. Ever.
14. Procrastinating doing everything.
15. Procrastinating the procrastination.
16. When something falls on the floor, staring at it and then you just leave it there.
17. Falling out of your bed to try and plug in your wire because actually getting up is more work.
18. Deciding to just stay on the floor because now the bed is too far away.
19. Always wanting food but never wanting to actually make something.
20. “What if I order food? That is easier and I don’t have to go out.”
21. Never ordering the food and snacks on something you find hidden in your cabinet.
22. Trying to eat healthily.
23. HA that was funny. Let’s be real here pizza is on your mind 24/7.
24. “I’m going to read tonight” turns into which “I’m going to watch youtube tonight.”
25. When it’s 1am and you’re tired but you are too lazy to actually go to sleep.
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