Going to a school as small as Lawrence University is that we can all appreciate very specific things that make our school unique. Whether they have to do with the little things on campus, the people we meet, or the experiences that we share, there is a sense of camaraderie that is very strong in our small liberal arts school here in Appleton, Wisconsin. These are some things that most, if not all, Lawrentians can relate to at some point in their career here.
1. The craziness that is trivia
The Great Midwest Trivia contest, or more often just "Trivia", is an insane 50-hour long contest that consumes the entire campus for one weekend every January. Whether you're one who adamantly avoids trivia, or someone who stays up into the wee hours of the morning Googling obscure facts and calling in answers, if you're a Lawrence student, present or past, you know Trivia and the effect it has on the way it can consume an entire campus for its duration. This year specifically, the song "Africa" by Toto had probably never been heard in more forms or more often than it was on our radio station during that January weekend. This little repeated jokes and themes are part of what give Trivia its charm.2. Our awesome president, Mark Burstein
Sometimes affectionately known as "Marky Mark," you can find our fearless leader eating lunch in Andrews Commons, saying "hi" to students, meeting with them during his office hours once a month, or just walking around campus. Mark Burstein is always a joyful presence on campus. Catch him on the dance floor at President's Ball, dancing with students to Toto's "Africa."
3. The small campus feel
There's something on our campus known as the "Lawrence look around". This stems from the smallness of our campus. You know when you're trying to avoid someone, and you run into them almost immediately? Yet, when you're looking to run into someone you won't see that person for days at a time. The Lawrence look around is when someone is telling you something, but you have to make sure that the entire area around you is completely clear of anyone you're talking about, or else you run the risk of unfortunately overheard conversations.
4. Reading Period and Trimesters
A lot of schools have both a midterm break, and trimesters, but at Lawrence they are something that brings students together every time. The middle of the term can get hard, but that reading period is a light in the middle of the 10-week tunnel that is a term. Whether it's used for taking a trip with ORC (outdoor recreation club) or just studying for midterms, this break always seems to come just at the time that we all need it most. The trimester system is different from most schools, so all Lawrence students know what it's like to not go back to school until almost the middle of September and not finish spring term finals until well into June, though the month long break in December is something that is very nice, even if it does start to seem long towards the end of break.5. Light More Light
"Light More Light! Veritas Est Lux" is a phrase integral to our identity as a school and our mission. This phrase, while serious, take on a different feeling when used as it is. For example: teachers when they tell students to turn on lights after a presentationm use this phrase. While it isn't for it's original intended purpose, it's still essential to us as a school.