If you went to an all-girls school, your experience is something you will never forget. You are part of a sisterhood. I went to an all-girls school here in San Diego, and it was crazy and memorable at the same time.
1. You had to wear uniform every single day.
I personally liked wearing a uniform because then you didn't have to freak out about what to wear each day. You just pick out a polo shirt and a skirt, and you're good to go. My school wasn't very strict on the uniform. We were allowed to wear Converse or Vans as long as they were black. Once you were a senior, you were allowed to wear white shoes. Also, we had a skirt length regulation, but most girls didn't follow it. We would just pull it down if a teacher passed by.
2. Since we had to wear a uniform, we would go crazy if it was "Free Dress" day.
Okay, maybe we wouldn't dress up as a princess like Mia Thermopolis but we still got excited if we could wear regular clothes. The thought of wearing jeans to school was amazing.
3. Feminism was somehow taught in every class you took.
Every single class I took had feminism aspects to it. Every single class—English, history, science and even math. In my language class, I learned about girl power. It was something I had to get used to.
4. We would go crazy if we saw a guy on campus.
We were basically boy deprived. Boys were an extinct species to us. If we saw a guy on campus, we would obsess and go crazy. If a guy was on campus to ask out a girl out for prom, we would cry about how cute it was.
5. Talking about boys, we had crushes on our guy professors.
Everybody had a crush on the guy professors because they were the only guys on campus. Some of them were cute. It's what we do at an all-girls school.
6. There was always girls who liked girls.
When you go to an all-girls school, girls are going to like girls. It can be kinda weird if you're not used to it, but by your senior year it becomes pretty normal to see on campus.
7. The same songs were always played during pep rallies.
These songs never got tiring. They would always play Disney songs, typical girl songs or any song that would make us stand up and dance, especially High School Musical songs.
8. Finally, the girls you met were always going to be there for you. It's a sisterhood.
During my four years of high school, there was always a group of girls who were there for me. Sometimes, you don't keep in touch with all your friends from high school. Maybe a couple of girls is all you need. They are basically your sisters, and they will be with you at your marriage. You might not go to the same university, but they will be there for you.