If there's one thing all kids from small towns know to be true is the misconceptions those who haven't lived in their same world seem to always have. Though we can't imagine growing up any other way, many couldn't imagine growing up in one of these small towns. These are some of the statements I have most often heard about the place I come from:
Where is that again?
It's by [insert nearest populated town]. Just keep driving until you've hit the middle of nowhere.
How many kids were in your high school?
Probably a lot less than your graduating class.
Did you have a cow?
No, I personally do not actually have a cow. Or a chicken or a pig.
There was what in your backyard?
A cornfield. There was a cornfield in my backyard.
Didn't you get bored?
High school basketball games and wherever our cars could take us seemed to keep us pretty entertained.
Did you always know you wanted to leave?
Some days more than others.
Do you miss it?
Every single day.