The amount of pressure placed on students to get into amazing colleges, get exceptional grades, stay out of trouble, maintain healthy friendships and pretty much excel in everything they do makes it no wonder that every kid needs a break during the school year. For millions of students across the country, spring break is a period to unwind and ignore the pressing tensions of school for a week. Leading up to the moment of pure joy, students are put through the wringer until that bell rings, turning students into animals screaming to escape the cage that is school. Leading up to this moment of pure joy, many thoughts tumble through students minds as they sit waiting, staring at the slow hands of time. So here are just 13 things all juniors appreciate about spring break while waiting for the moment it begins. |
1. We are no longer forced to wake up before the sun rises. |
2. We can stay up until 2 a.m. watching Netflix instead of contemplating how to derive physics formulas.3. We don't have to see their teachers for a week.As much as teachers and students love seeing each other every day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., everyone needs a break once in a while. 4. Our 40-pound backpacks can sit in a corner and collect dust for seven days.5. The "learning" part of the school year is practically done.After spring break, AP exams, end of course exams and finals are practically there and everyone knows that the teachers will be reviewing instead of teaching. 6. Summer break starts in almost a month!7. There's an actual possibility of "free-time" in the near future.Although many parents and teachers are under the impression that all students do is sit in their rooms on their phone doing "homework," this is entirely false and something students can only do in their dreams. 8. They'll be able to hang out with friends without school-related agendas.9. With every day they come to school, they get closer to school ending for the year.As students slowly wake up later and later each day barely making it on time to class, one of the only things that motivate them is the thought that every time they go to first period is one time fewer in the future. 10. The past semester went by at the speed of sound.For some reason, second semester always goes by lightyears faster than first, and before you know it, it's already April and you still feel like winter break just ended. 11. Graduation is practically around the corner for all of their friends.12. They will finally have a chance to catch up with the work they've been putting off.Let's be honest. There is that one class that you have not done work for since February and keep saying you will do over the weekend but never end up doing. 13. They might be able to see their bedroom floor after a VERY intensive cleanse. |