13 Things Every Jersey Girl Should Understand | The Odyssey Online
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13 things every jersey girl should understand

The difference between what Jersey Girls know and all other girls.

13 things every jersey girl should understand
Anna Favetta

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Growing up in New Jersey I have heard it all, from how bad my state smells, to the Jersey Shore to how bad the drivers are there is no New Jersey insult I have not heard. I'll admit traffic on the Turnpike is rough and certain cities do smell like giant farts but it is home and I love it. No matter what negative rep. my state may have, I am always proud to be a jersey girl.

1. Not pumping your own gas.

The waiting to be serviced, the awkward conversation with the gas station attendant who clearly wants to be doing something better, the impatient look you give others waiting in their car too, what's not to love about not pumping your own gas?

2. It's NOT a pork roll.

I do not know who decided to call it a pork roll. It is not simply pork which could mean any part of the pig nor is it served in roll form. Obviously it is Taylor Ham or nothing.

3. Referring to where you live based on exits.

Every Jersey girl knows she doesn't live in a town she lives on exit 6 off the Turnpike or exit 147 off the Parkway.

4. It's NOT the Jersey Shore it's down the shore.

Nobody from New Jersey says, "Hey, I'm going to the Jersey Shore this weekend." New Jerseans know the only beaches are Jersey Beaches and the good ones are after exit 98 off the Parkway.

5. Knowing who Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi are.

Every Jersey Girl's childhood crush was at least one of the two. Whether it be their parents who introduced her to them or she discovered them on her own, she is not truly a Jersey Girl if she doesn't know who they are.

6. Which state the Statue of Liberty actually belongs to.

Although New York uses it on their license plate, it's not in New York, it's over the border. The frustration when people say it's in New York is something a true Jersey Girl could never get over.

7. Left turns and jug handles.

When it's not just a left it's a jug handle. Every Jersey Girl knows that a left means make a right and then keep going right around the circle until you end up left.

8. Sprinkles Vs. Jimmies.

South Jersey claims their Jimmies, North Jersey calls them sprinkles. Ice cream off of exit 3 are going to be Jimmies, off of exit 15 they are Sprinkles.

9. The 3 ways to get to Manhattan.

The Lincoln, the Holland and the GW are the only ways to drive to Manhattan and all three cross the Hudson River from New Jersey. Technically you can drive your car onto the Statin Island Ferry but to get to Statin Island you have to drive through Jersey first.

10. It's a Tomato Pie in Trenton.

Trenton, Exit 58 off the parkway does not refer to it as pizza it's tomato pies or nothing.

11. MeTLife is in New Jersey.

The home to both "New York" football teams is located in East Rutherford, NJ. Anyone who argues is dead wrong.

12. Explaining not everyone from New Jersey has an accent.

Every time someone out of New Jersey first meets a Jersey Girl the first thing they comment on is not having an accent. Not everyone from New Jersey has a thick Jersey accent, in fact most don't only certain cities of Jersey, usually the ones closer to New York, have the infamous Jersey accent.

13. New Jersey rocks!

Jersey Girls are Jersey Girls for a reason, it's their state and they love it. Once a Jersey Girl always a Jersey Girl and they will defend and love their state no matter what. Jersey Girls have Jersey pride and one way or another they always fall back on their Jersey roots.

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