As an avid watcher of crime shows(my favorites being Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU), I can easily say that I am an expert when it comes to the law. I could probably be a detective. Enough fun aside, being a DA, police officer or a BAU officer is a very difficult job. It takes a lot of training and quite the back bone to get the job done.
I've pulled together a few things I've learned from my unhealthy obsession with crime shows.
1. When someone pauses to take a phone call, something important just happened.
Whether it's a new development or DNA results, I've noticed that when something's going to happen, it's on the other end of the phone call one of the detectives just took.
2. You don't have to dress like a cop to get the job done.
Using Olivia Benson as my example, I can say that she always looks great when she's gets the perpetrator. Rarely does she have to strap on the NYPD vest, but when she does? It's about to go down.
3. Using the word "Unsub" makes you sound cooler.
Seriously, it sound better than "perp".
4. When perusing a suspect on foot, you have to do some kind of cool parkour or take them down hard.
It just doesn't seem as satisfying when it's a simple run-and-catch.
5. Eight times out of ten, never trust a celebrity appearance.
They're there for a reason.
6. You always feel smart when you figure out who did it before the actors do.
Well, it gives me pride at least.
7. Going undercover is never going to be easy.
No matter what I have to do, I know for a fact if someone called me by my fake name, I wouldn't answer.
But the thing I think the most important thing I've learned is:
8. If there is a marathon on, you have to watch it.