College is flying by faster than I could have ever imagined. I am learning to cherish every second of it and to value the lessons it has taught me along the way.
You're not going to keep all of you friends from high school
And that's okay. People grow apart and start new chapters of their lives. You will keep the people in your life that are meant to be there.
And you're not going to keep all of your friends from freshman year
You might make some friends freshman year that don't stay your close friends throughout college, and that's okay too. You're going to get involved in more and find that you just click with some people better than others.
You have to make an effort to get involved
The beginning of my freshman year, I didn't have the best time because I wasn't able to get involved in some of the clubs and activities that I wanted. I had to keep trying though to find my place and to meet new people. If I didn't, I would have been miserable.
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
Did I ever think that I would be doing things like joining a sorority or writing articles for the Odyssey? Definitely not, but I am so glad that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things. My college experience definitely wouldn't be the same if I never stepped out of my comfort zone.
If you think someone is cool, ask them to hangout
It's definitely not as weird or awkward as you might think or be afraid of. If you meet someone once or twice and you seem to click, just ask them to get lunch or coffee someday. That's how I've become close with some of my best friends.
Going to bed at a decent time is going to help you more in the long run than staying up a little longer to study or do work
At least for me this is the case. If I don't get enough sleep I am not my self. Lack of sleep leads to so many other problems for me. Personally, once I stay up past a certain point the information stops processing in my head, so I am just better off going to sleep.
You don't have to have straight A's
I definitely don't feel as much stress or pressure as I did in high school, but I am still a little bit of a perfectionist. College is hard, so it's okay not to always do as well as you hope as long as your putting in the effort.
Make friends in your classes
Honestly making it through some classes is so much better when you have a friend. You always have someone to make your day better or to ask what the hell is going on in the class when you're clueless.
Call your family
They miss you, and you probably miss them too. I know that keeping in touch makes me feel less homesick and it helps me get through some tough days.
Try new restaurants and activities. Go to new places around campus. It's always nice to get away for a little while and to find new things that you enjoy.
It's okay to feel like you just need some time to yourself
Living with other people constantly and being around others most of the day can be a lot sometimes. It's okay to say no to hanging out with other people if you feel like you just need a break or need some time alone for once.
School is always important, but you only have 4 years of college so enjoy it
Don't spend every moment of your life doing school work. Explore, hangout with friends, go out, just be a college student. You only get this experience once.