It feels like just yesterday I was waving goodbye to my mom and dad through the bus window as I was heading off to my first day of 6th grade, and suddenly here I am again waving goodbye to my family on my 18th birthday, as I walk back into my dorm room to start my 1st semester of college.
Fast forward a couple months and here I am sitting in my dorm room, a couple days until the end of 1st semester, reminiscing and appreciating the past 18 years. With that being said, I have compiled a list of valuable life lessons: some I have learned on my own, some that were influenced by others, and some that are still in the works today.
1. Love yourself first
By learning to love yourself first, you will be able to let go of all the expectations you have of others. At the end of the day, all you have is yourself. So love who you are.
2. Do more of what makes YOU happy
Life's too short to sit around and be unhappy. Go find your passion. Make your day a good day because you CAN.
3. Travel is good for your soulÂ
Traveling allows you to visit spectacular places, eat delicious cuisine, meet people from across the globe, and see what life is like from a different perspective. By leaving your hometown and realizing how much more the world offers, you begin to grasp how important it is to broaden your horizons and venture out.
4. Surround yourself with those who have your best interest at heart
Find those people in your life who are not only there for you through thick and thin, but celebrate your successes along the way. Most importantly, let go of those who weigh you down.
5. Say "yes" instead of "yeah"
Ever since my freshman year of high school, my dad has always challenged me to use the word "yes" instead of "yeah." I didn't notice how hard it truly was until I would catch myself saying "yeah" ALL the time. Whether you are in an interview, talking on the phone, or just having a casual conversation, replying with "yes" can make a difference and impact the way others view you.
6. You are not defined as your past
Instead, you are prepared from it. Your future is determined by how you act in the present. Let your past struggles empower you to tell the story of your strength.
7. Know your worth
I am all about self love! Knowing your worth is about knowing what you deserve and what you bring to the table. Carry yourself with dignity and learn to be comfortable with who you are. You are your own critic.
8. How to spell the word "definitely"
Why have I struggled spelling this word all my life?? Even my phone's autocorrect will change it to the incorrect spelling just because I misspelled it so many times. It finally came to the point where I sat down with a post-it note and wrote it out 5 times while saying "deh-fin-it-ely."
9. Be grateful for what you have
I constantly used to preoccupy myself with thoughts of things I don't have and experiences I haven't fulfilled. We tend to take our life for granted. I've learned that sometimes you just need to stop and think about how lucky you are.
10. Step outside of your comfort zone once in a whileÂ
Stepping outside of your comfort zone allows you to not only expand yourself, but also your creativity. So much of life can be missed out if you don't raise your hand or your voice. Finding what peaks your passion is the first step, but when you're willing to become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, you have the opportunity to grow.
11. Put your phone down
The best moments in life are when you are not staring down at your phone screen. Enjoy the beauty the world has to offer. Not everyone needs to know what you are doing every second of the day.
12. My brother has the BEST taste in music
I am proud to say that I have yet to meet someone after 18 years who has better taste in music than my brother. Without a doubt, he has a song for any occasion. The best moments in life are shared when jamming out to his 'Marshall' speaker on full blast throughout the house.
13. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it
This one really hits home for me. My family and I were staying at a hotel the night before I moved into my dorm at Mizzou to start my Freshman year. There happened to be a post-it note taped to the mirror in our hotel bathroom. It read, "It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it." It gave me reassurance that I could make it through the first hard weeks of being away from home and adjusting to the college life.
14. Yoga is a great way to free your mind
Just this past year, I have been really interested in yoga. It is a great way to take a break from the busy, stressful college life and take time for yourself. Not only is it soothing and relaxing, but also very beneficial for our well-being.
15. Treat yourself
Whether it be buying yourself a coffee on the way to class or ballin' out at your favorite boutique, it's okay to reward yourself once in a while. Doing something nice for yourself is almost like hitting a reset button that motivates you to continue the hard work in your day-to-day life.
16. Live in the present
I tend to look at the future and count down the days for when I will be reuniting with my family. However, in the meantime, I am not living in the present. Life is way too short to be waiting for the future and not focusing on what's right in front of you. Live in the moment and enjoy what you have right now.
17. Being born in the year 2000 is the best
Sometimes I forget that people actually have to do math when they think about how old they were when, for instance. For all of us who were born in 2000, how lucky are we?? When it's 2062, I'll be 62. When it was 2003, I was 3. It doesn't get much better than that.
18. NEVER compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 7
Finally, number 18. This one took me a while to learn and preach. With social media playing a huge role in our lives today, it can be so easy to not feel good enough or compare your life to others. Just know, everyone's journey is different! Accept that everyone has a different path and use it as motivation. However, for now, just give yourself a pat on the back for how far you've come already.