College is no doubt one of the most stressful times in a person's life. If you add a job, internship, and clubs on top of that – things can get kinda hazy. But it wasn't the pounds of coursework, online connection issues, fast approaching deadlines, or messy bedroom that caused my small epiphany. It was a conflict that occurred in my life, in fact it made me realize that I wasn't where I should have been. I had been so enveloped in my own crazy life that I had forgotten about the once important things in my life. Things that would have helped me get through this issue a lot easier. Things that I'm a little embarrassed that I disregarded so much.
There was a time in my life when I wouldn't be able to sleep until I had prayed. Not like the movies when I was kneeling down beside my bed, but to myself as I laid down or was readying myself for sleep. But I strayed from my faith, as many do in their lives at one point or another. But once I found it again, I had forgotten the peace it gave me to cast my thoughts and fears onto Him. I had forgotten the weight that lifted off my shoulders when I talked at night and asked for help. During prayer used to be the only time I asked anyone for help really, because I was convinced that I could do things on my own. But the truth is – with Him, we are never alone, and through prayer, I am able to have someone be there without being a burden.
I read constantly. I keep up with as much news as possible and updated on whatever I need to be. For the longest time, I used to read the bible a few times a week, and especially on Sundays. But being at school, I don't have the same community anymore, and the churches nearby my school are much different than the ones at home. But this shouldn't have impacted my readings. I use the excuse of how busy I am, but that's not an excuse. One of my favorite past times was opening up to a random page and just reading a story, then doing the same on the next page I opened to. It relaxed me just as much as a Nicholas Sparks novel would.
Practicing What I Read
We always say that we should practice what we preach, but that should be the same with what we read. Loving one another, unconditionally. Not being jealous of those around me. Being honest, both with myself and others. Respecting my elders, and listening to them. Trusting fully in the Lord's plan for me. Knowing that God doesn't create mistakes. Straying from sins and sinners. Forgiving myself and others.
Calling My Mom
Distance doesn't mean you don't need advice. When all else fails, you have your parents to talk to about whatever you need. They may not always have the answers you want, but they have the ones you need. Even if it's not a problem, it's always good to call with updates and good news. It puts them at ease, and yourself when you get to hear that familiar and soothing voice.