It doesn't need to be said that no matter how close together or far apart, no matter when you are finished for the semester, no matter how much or how little you have prepared in advance, finals week is a struggle. It is by no means for the faint of heart, someone we all feel we are at points during this week that seems to feel more like a month. So, in trying to withstand the wrath of this time, things get pretty weird, and time often gets wasted because you just don't even know where to start in terms of your work. While unfortunate, this is a universal truth. Below are just a few of the ways this truth takes form:
1. You think you look good wearing tall socks with Birkenstocks in public.
2. You suffer from nightmares in which you are getting attacked by snakes.
3. Your brother asks you for help on his 9th Grade biology homework and you can't solve the problem.
4. Every stack you study in will have "Comerford" written in it somewhere.
5. Your boyfriend will get Pink Eye, increasing your general paranoia about your health.
6. You are looking forward to trying Ben and Jerry's Brrr-ito more than the average person.
7. You procrastinate by looking at pictures of cute babies.
8. Feel bad about the money your parents are paying for you to attend this upstanding institution so you promise to write a best-selling book in your creative writing class over the summer.
9. You eat Chipotle four times in one week.
10. Exercise is your only saving grace.
11. Or if that isn't your thing, you just take a lot of naps.
12. Another way you procrastinate is by picking out furniture for your new apartment.
13. You call your parents for inspirational advice.
14. The littlest things make you cry.
15. You have a stronger relationship with coffee than any living person.
16. You find there is a Buzzfeed article that describes the emotions your feeling perfectly.
17. Dedicate ample time to finding the perfect picture to #TBT on Instagram.
18. You consider four hours a good night's sleep
19. You reach rock-bottom on the procrastination scale in consciously choosing to start a new Netflix series this week
20. But most of your time is spent questioning why you didn't start studying for your exams sooner.
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