There are many things a freshman in college thinks they need to bring with them. Many of those things will be school supplies, clothes and many electronics. However, there are many things incoming freshman will bring that they will find out they do not need. Here is a list of 10 common things freshman bring to college that they probably don't need.
1. TV
As a sophomore, I can tell you that you most definitely do not need to bring a TV to school. The main reason not to bring a TV is once you actually dive into classes, you will most likely have too much homework and other social responsibilities in your life to find time to watch TV. Another reason not to bring one is because TVs take up a lot of space – a lot more than you might think – in your already small dorm room. The final main reason not to bring a TV is because if you absolutely want to relax and watch TV, there will almost definitely be a lounge in your dormitory that will have a TV for recreational use and will be surrounded by other people who are looking to relax and make new friends.
2. Video games
Avoid bringing video games to college at all cost. Video games will most likely end up doing one thing: wasting your study time. If you are an avid or casual gamer, you will find here is no one looking over your shoulder to make sure you are doing the right thing in college. It's all your personal choices. So, in turn, if you bring video games to school, you will probably feel like you aren't restricted from playing them and may end up playing way too many hours of them. Those are hours you may wish you would have spent studying for that test you forgot about today!
3. Personal computer
Now, this is one I debated on including in this article. Personally, I see the value in having your own computer, but I can also easily see, in our modern age, you can very easily get by without having your own computer, especially in an age when computers aren't cheap! The main reason I recommend not bringing a computer is because there will be many computer labs across campus and in the campus library for you to use at any time. Not bringing a computer also forges good study habitats because you have to set time aside to go to a computer lab to study your online material or write out any papers you have assigned. Plus, not having computer with you will be one less thing to distract you in college.
4. Printer
Don't bring a printer. There is almost no need at all. Many teachers allow and prefer any papers submitted to them to be sent online, and if you do have to submit a paper with a hard copy, there will be plenty of printers across campus for you to use instead having to go out and buy an expensive printer and paper.
5. Extra clothes
This, again, is a personal choice, but I recommend only bringing two to three weeks worth of clean clothing with you to college. Bringing extra clothes ends up doing two things: wasting your valuable space and making laundry days a pain in the butt. Your dorm room is small, and bringing storage bins worth of extra clothes can end up using your limited space very quickly. Also, bringing excess clothes will make that dreaded laundry day a pain. Laundry rooms in college are always busy, and if you have half a dozen loads of laundry to do, it will only make your job one big hassle.
6. High school apparel
I recommend leaving all of your high school apparel at home. Anything that has your high school logo or team name on it, I believe you should leave at home. The reason being is it can send the wrong message. It can tell other students you are stuck in high school and haven't moved on, or it can tell people you are more proud of your high school than your college you are currently enrolled in.
7. Extra snacks/food
Many students think they should bring many snacks and small food items with them for their dorm in college. While bringing one or two boxes of a small treat is a very good idea, I recommend you do not bring lots and lots of food with you. It will be hard enough to keep the freshman 15 off without having to worry about extra snacks in your room. Plus, if you have extra snacks in your room, there will come a day when you will have had a bad or long day of classes and will want to indulge in a snack or two or many.
8. School Supplies
Try to avoid bringing a bunch of school supplies with you to college. The odds are you won't need as many book, folders, pencils, etc. that you thought you were going to need. Save stocking up on school supplies until a few days into classes to get a good feel for what you think you'll need for the semester
9. Textbooks
Many students want to be prepared for the first day of college classes but buying all of your textbooks right away can be a very misleading path. Many professors list textbooks that are needed for the class but are actually recommended by the school itself. Often times you will need only one or two or possible even none of the textbooks assigned for your class. Wait until you have had the first day of your classes to figure out which textbooks you will need and then order them from an online retailer or from your local school store.
10. Anything valuable or personal
It's college and there will always be some less than desirable people. Try to avoid bringing things that are valuable or personal to you. They may end up being stolen or lost. Examples include expensive jewelry, designer clothes, expensive electronics, etc.
11. Anything your roommate is bringing!
Be sure to make an effort to talk to your roommate over the phone or online to try to coordinate what each of you are bringing to school. It would be very weird for you both to show up the first day and for you both to have brought a TV, microwave, or any other large items. Talk to your roommate to decide who is bringing what so you don't accidently double up on items.
Keep in mind, these are just my personal recommendations and you are free to bring anything you desire to college, but also keep in my mind, I will soon be in my third year of college and know a lot about what to bring and what not to.