With Thanksgiving just a few days ago, it really gave me time to reflect on things that I take for granted every day.
1. School
After high school, I had no idea what I wanted to be or where I wanted to go. Three and a half years later, I finally figured it out. I'm attending an amazing institute and have made so many friends who love the same things I do. School itself is a lot of work, but I know I can count on my friends and educators to be there and help me out when times are hard.
2. My Significant Other
I wouldn't be where I am in life without her. She helps me battle my inner demons as well as any other obstacles that seem to hard for me. She constantly reminds me that I'll be okay as long as I keep breathing and pushing through. Times are hard and life can push me down, but I know she'll always be there to pick me back up. She keeps me grounded and thankful for love and support every single day.
3. My Brothers
Don't get me wrong, I love my entire family equally but my brothers are my best friends. I'm the oldest, so they remind me that I have to be a good role model for them. I can't fall off track because I have them looking up to me when times get tough. They listen to my problems, distract me, and keep me motivated to be the best big sister and person that I can be.
4. My Pets
All 7 of them. They also distract me with their cuteness and their cuddles. They give me a sense of responsibility. They make me feel needed and loved unconditionally even when I feel my worst. Taking them to go pee in the snow isn't necessarily fun, but again, they need me and I'm willing to do whatever I can to make them happy.
5. My Grandparents
I have a great deal of love, respect, and thankfulness for my grandparents. They took me under their wings and raised me to be the woman I am today. From birthday parties, buying me new school clothes every year, to county fairs, to throwing my graduation party I'm so thankful for everything they've done. I'm so thankful they let me live with them and helped support me in every sense of the word. I'd be nothing without them.
I have so many other things to be thankful for, but these are just the top few that make me tear up when I think about them. I just want to thank my parents, my future mother in law, my friends for always being there. I'm also very thankful for The Odyssey and friends I've acquired from it. I'm thankful for our group chat, my editors, and the people who read my articles every week.
I hope you all enjoy this holiday season and become aware of all the little things you have to be thankful for.