Unlike in the TV show "Phineas and Ferb," summer vacation, unfortunately, does not last 104 days; which is a real bummer. Summer while you're in college is a lot different than summer when you're in high school. First of all in high school, you barely have any money to do any fun stuff and you're not even a legal age to do half of the fun things that you want to be doing anyways. Summer break in college is time to unwind, make some cash and have fun with your friends. For some people it's a time to reconnect with people back home or reunite with loved ones that you have been in long distance relationships with. With that being said, here are some things I'd rather do than go back to school in August.
1. Live for three months without Netflix.
Netflix is my literal life support, so yeah it's pretty serious.
2. Run a triathlon.
I'm probably the most nonathletic person in the world and I would rather run a triathlon without even training for it than go back to school.
3. Not be allowed to take naps ever again.
Naps are pretty much the only reason I am a functioning adult (which is ironic) so to say that I would rather never nap again than go back to school is pretty serious.
4. Work manual labor every day for 12 hours a day.
I already do a ton of manual labor but I would take that over studying and finals and the overwhelming stress that comes with school.
5. Listen to "Friday" by Rebecca Black on repeat.
I mean, this song is actually awful, like I don't actually know anybody that would enjoy listening to this song.
6. Watch paint dry, like literally sit in front of a painted wall and just watch it dry.
Sitting in front of a painted wall and inhaling toxic fumes couldn't actually be that much worse than sitting in a lecture with a professor that has a monotonous voice for two hours.
7. Watch a black and white, silent film that has subtitles in a foreign language.
I mean, it couldn't be more confusing than your average, everyday lecture. At least I would get to stay home in my bed.
8. Spend the day with my ex.
Let me elaborate, I wouldn't necessarily enjoy my day but I'd be just as annoyed spending my day in classes with people I don't like so it wouldn't be much of a difference.
Summertime is so great and I'll definitely miss the idea of "summer vacation" when I actually graduate from college and become a "real" adult. While I wouldn't actually enjoy doing all of these things and I wouldn't prefer to do these in lieu of going to school, this is pretty much how I feel on a daily basis about school in general.
R.I.P. to summer vacation.