When I started school at the University of Virginia, my parents told me while they moved me in that these years would be the best years of my life. At first, I expected all of my hall mates to be my go-to friends. I expected a lot of things out of college that didn't necessarily come true. However, it worked out just as it was supposed to and I am so grateful for that.
1. Watch out for "Easy A" or gut classes.
This semester, I took a class because I heard it was an easy A. However, I wasn't that interested in the material and I think that hurt me. Taking a class just because of what other people say is never a good idea. Also, take EVERY class seriously. Even an "easy" class is still college level.
2. Course Forum became my best friend for picking classes.
It helped me figure out what other people had to say about teachers' grading style, amount of work load, type of workload (reading, essays, etc.) and assess the right classes and teachers for me.
3. Trying new things is a great way to make new friends.
I branched out as soon as I arrived at university and was able to meet people I wouldn't have met in the sea of undergraduate students. It also provided me with an ability to meet older students.
4. You'll meet people from all walks of life.
There's people from so many different states (Is Iowa real? You can find out!) and even countries. I met a girl from Barbados on my hall!
5. It's okay to struggle a little.
Getting adjusted to a new pace and new routine takes time. Be patient with yourself If everything doesn't fall into place right away. This goes for most things in life, not just school.
6. Joining CIOs or Greek organizations is a great way to get connected with people you never would've met otherwise.
While not a requirement, if it feels right to you, joining a group is a great way to get involved in your school and with other people, whether that be a common interest or goal.
7. Be careful what classes you take together.
Taking a lot of hard classes at the same time? No thanks. Taking a lot of reading or writing courses at the same time? Maybe not. Try to have a balance and figure out the work load that you can handle.
8. You'll regret signing up for that 9am on Fridays.
Yeah, you might skip that one a lot. At least you know now.
9. Keeping in touch with friends from high school requires a bit of extra effort.
But the people you really care about will still make and effort to talk to you. They don't have to know every little detail, but FaceTiming from time to time can really help you stay connected.
10. This was the best and most challenging year of my life so far.
My parents were right that I would have the time of my life.
Although I wish I had known the things I know now at the beginning of the school year, I am incredibly proud of the growth I have experienced academically and personally. I can't wait to see what I learn in year 2.