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Arts Entertainment

5 Unexpected Lessons The Queens Of 'Rupaul’s Drag Race' Have Bestowed Upon Us

As I anxiously await the impending season four premiere of "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" this Friday, I can't help but think of all the fabulous queens who are returning. Earning a spot to compete on a season of "All Stars" is no small feat, which means that only the best (and some of my favorite) queens will again grace the runway and workroom.

5 Unexpected Lessons The Queens Of 'Rupaul’s Drag Race' Have Bestowed Upon Us

Boasting ten regular seasons and soon-to-be four "All Stars" seasons, "RuPaul's Drag Race" has been my favorite television show for about five/six years now. In total, I've seen nine full seasons but am familiar with every queen who's competed since its beginning. Each season, I find myself becoming obsessed with a new slate of queens and rooting for the next best queen to take the crown.

As each new season rolls around, I'm constantly reminded of the greatest life lessons drag has to offer.

Good things come to those who work for it

"RuPaul's Drag Race" offers some of the fiercest, toughest competition on prime time television. While some people may think Drag is a fun, light-hearted hobby, those people would be incorrect. The constant effort that must be maintained in the competition, as well as outside, is a tall order. The amount of time spent getting ready, alone, is a challenge. However, the glitz and glamour are only half of the requirement. As performers, drag queens must refine a multitude of skills, such as comedy, immaculate lip-syncing, and mesmerizing choreography. In essence, drag queens are asked to be the jack-of-all-trades. After watching the queens work tirelessly to improve themselves in some area or another, I always feel inspired to improve myself to the best of my abilities. No, we can't all be the best at everything, but we can always be better.

Life imitates art/Art imitates life

Originating from roles in William Shakespeare's plays, drag has been said to be an acronym for "dressed as a girl." With its roots based in theater, it's not hard to trace the evolution of drag across all areas of performing arts. From the makeup, the costumes, and the wigs to the personas and the personalities, drag queens incorporate art into every aspect of their craft. As someone who actively seeks creative outlets, I fully appreciate the variety of creativity that the queens bring to the table. Some are masters of impersonations, some have vocals that could rival Ariana Grande, and some could oust top competitors of "Project Runway." Every facet of drag calls for artistic talent, and the queens never fall short of delivering.

Do what you love (and what pays the bills) 

Making it as a drag queen, while there is more visibility and a bigger platform now, is a whole-hearted commitment. "RuPaul's Drag Race" represents the culmination of years of hard work and preparation. Some queens will audition for countless seasons before getting their chance to grace the main stage. During those off years, these queens keep their schedules maxed out with gigs and appearances to provide for themselves. In reality, it's a career. Just like in any other field, uninhibited ambition must be the guiding force to truly excel and rise to the top. I appreciate the tenacious attitude the queens approach drag with. Failure and setbacks are inevitable for everyone, but the humble beginnings most queens start with make for great testimonies once they've hit their stride.


It's true that there is no one shadier than a drag queen. Whether it's a fiery "read" or witty comeback, drag queens will put and keep anyone in his or her rightful place. Even the workroom of "RuPaul's Drag Race" can be filled with tension every now and then. However, as quickly as the queens bicker, they also make up. Not only are their feuds usually short-winded, but they also often lead to the budding of new and close friendships. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," right? Even then, some queens get along from start to finish. Either way, the closeness that develops between the queens is that of an idealized sisterhood. Plus, they share wigs and clothes just like any other sisters would; well, maybe not wigs.

Accept others and yourself

This is probably the best life lesson and example that's come from watching "Drag Race." In the midst of many seasons, queens will often come forward to discuss their struggles with acceptance, whether from society or family. With these emotional, and oftentimes difficult, discussions comes an outpouring of support from fellow queens. Being that many of the queens face similar upbringings and experiences, they easily identify with the discrimination harbored against them. What's uplifting in all of the heaviness of their past experiences is the acceptance they offer each other. Not only do they accept each other, but many have also reached a place of accepting themselves, as well. Self-acceptance can be hard for anyone. Period. So, the self-acceptance the queens find is the glimmer of hope we can all use from time-to-time amidst our cloudy self-perceptions.

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