People who haven't experience this yet don't get it, and it is not their fault.
In the beginning, I spent months being bitter because people just didn't get it. They couldn't empathize or understand what I was going through, what I felt, what I needed- no matter how hard they tried. I realized it wasn't their fault, and I should be happy they don't understand. I would never wish this experience on absolutely anyone, and I'm grateful people my age never had to experience that kind of pain.
People complaining about their parents to you will make you furious. At least they have them.
I cannot emphasize how much this one gets to me; how much it makes my stomach hurt and my heartache. I would give anything to have my dad back. When people complain about their parents to me, it makes me mad that they can't appreciate the love and care their parents give them. They aren't appreciating the fact that they still have their parents here.
You learn who's real.
Despite the people that say or do the wrong things, you learn who really cares about you and who really is there. They say tragedy always shows you who your real friends are, and this couldn't be truer. Many people can't handle this difficult situation and end up walking away from you. Let them. It's difficult to accept because it's a time when you need all the love and support you can get but realize the time you learn to let go is for the best.
Holidays and life events will never be the same.
Holidays can be difficult for anyone, but the experience of losing someone changes the meaning for them forever. Not only are the traditions with your parents gone, but you're also left with that emptiness. You always wonder what things would be like if they were still here. Memories of past holidays and traditions will resurface causing a flood of emotions to come about. It will happen and it's okay. Hold onto those memories you have and the loved ones you still have here. Life is precious and enjoy every minute you are given with them.
It's okay to not be okay, but you will be.
This took me a long time to learn. I always thought that I had to be the strong one. I didn't want people to see that I was struggling because I was scared. I was scared they'd think I was weak. I was not okay when I lost my dad, and I don't think I am much better now if I'm being honest, but I have learned that it is alright.
Losing a parent will rock your world. It is more than okay to have days where you are upset at the world or don't want to leave your bed. It is all a part of a very complicated healing process.
It might not feel like it at first, but you will be eventually. Maybe not today or maybe not tomorrow but you will be okay. It might take longer than you think. Healing takes a lot of time. It could take years to feel fully healed again.
The biggest thing I've learned is that you will never be completely the same, but you will be okay.
It doesn't take more than losing a parent to realize how short and important life is. NEVER go a day without telling your loved ones how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Don't go to bed angry, you never know how long someone has left on earth. Life can be over at any second, enjoy the little things. Never take anyone for granted.
The bonds between loved ones grow stronger.
Not a lot of people know what you're going through, which means that your loved ones who do understand are so much more important. They are the people in the world that understand the loss you've had, and the weight you carry around. They went through it with you. They understand and probably feel the same way.
It makes you cherish the people who love you more than ever before, and it makes you want to hold onto them tighter and never let go. Loss demonstrates how important people in your life are to you.
You worry about everything, all the time.
Life has taught you losing someone can happen in a blink of an eye. It makes you worried and paranoid about all the things that can happen to the people closest to you. When someone is supposed to come over and don't, you worry. When someone doesn't answer their phone, you worry. You instantly think worst-case scenario, and that everything has gone wrong.
You know you worry too much, and deep down you know everything is probably okay, but you still can't stop yourself. The potential of losing someone else close to you is too much to bear again and you know the risk is always there. Your loved ones may get annoyed or feel like you're overbearing, but at least that shows them how much you care about them.