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10 Things I Idolize When All I Need Is One

Some of these may seem stupid to you or maybe you can relate to them, but either way I hope that after reading this you can see what an idol is in your life and pray that God can steer your eyes to what is important.

10 Things I Idolize When All I Need Is One

In this world today, there are so many idols and distractions that the media portrays to be super important, which sometimes causes me to lose sight of what is really important in my life and prevents me from being my carefree self. The idol or distraction alone is not a bad thing, it is how we're deciding to incorporate it into our lives and the amount of time we spend focusing on it. I will be sharing 10 things in my life that I allow to consume my attention. These things distract me when I really should be focusing on one true power that should have all my attention.

Social Media

This is a pretty common idol in this day of age because technology is always improving, and it is a way of communication to my friends, family and anybody really. However, when Im on it too much or when I am having a bad day I get caught up in comparing myself to what others are posting and how my life is not as great as what theirs is.

Body Size


My body is something that I am insecure about, and I'm sure that is how a lot of young women are too, but we shouldn't be. This ties in with social media and seeing pictures on Instagram or Facebook of other women and seeing how confident they look. I do not realize it sometimes but I do tear myself down because I don't look the way they do when I should be loving myself the way God made me.

My Grades

doing school workPexels

School is important in my life, but sometimes I let perfection get the best of me. I always want to strive to do my best because who wants to settle for "meh" work? I have this problem especially when it's a subject that I'm passionate about. I know that I can not strive for perfection because that is unrealistic and the only perfect one is Jesus.

My Appearance

Worrying about how my makeup looks and the type of clothing I get sounds so stereotypical for a girl, but I do find myself trying to make sure I look good for other people especially when taking pictures. Personally, it's not that big of an issue for me because I'm in college and cannot afford all those nice clothes that I wish to have, but for some of you it might be.


I get very anxious when a lot of money has to be spent, so it's not that I am bragging about all the money I have because let's be real I don't have that much. It is more of the fact that I do not like having to spend it on things excessively.

What People Think of Me

I am a people pleaser, and I sometimes let what others think of me get the best of me. I want to make sure that others like me, but when they don't I try to fix it any way I can. I have grown and allowed myself to not get caught up in that mess because of the pain that I have felt in the past, but it still comes to my mind. Also I try to hide who I am when I am around people that are not like me, but as I have learned I should not care what they think of me.

Amount of "Likes"/"Views"

This is similar to Social Media but it's different because the first one was the act of being on social media and what it does to me. This is more about reaching a goal so that others will be impressed with the number of likes I have.


More specifically sweets. How can you resist the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies? It is hard to have the control to not eat what I do not need all the time.

Name Brand Items 

Having the newest and nicest things on the block is a definitely a status thing. I have items from Apple, North Face, Chaco and Lauren Conrad.

How I was Raised

I was very blessed to have both my parents growing up, a family to celebrate holidays with and the values they instilled in my life. I occasionally become annoyed with people when I see them in a store, restaurant or even in class that do not act the way I was taught to. However, it is not my place to do so and I do not know what they may have been through when they were growing up.

All these things in my life are my decision, but with the help of God, He can show me a different perspective. He is my main idol and my relationship with Him is very important to me. He understands that this world has sin in it and that we are not perfect. When we allow him to come into our lives and be the hub of the wheel, He will move in us to be how he wants us to be and act. We will be able to see what his love looks like even in hard times. In 2 Corinthians 4:18 it states, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." This piece of scripture speaks out to me because it reminds me that all these items or ideas that I hold as an idol will not matter in the end; rather, it is God's love for his children and those that believe in him will have an eternal life with him.

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