Being a high school senior can be very bittersweet, and often times you don't realize that you're facing a lot of lasts. Here are a few things you may not realize until freshman year of college rolls around:
1. Sports
You might actually never play the sports you did in high school ever again. You may say you'll join a club or intermural team in college but unless you're 100% committed to doing that you'll find new things that catch your interest and won't have the time commitment to go play however many times a week.
2. Homesick
"I can't wait to leave home and not have to live by my parent's rules." Okay, it is nice not having to be told what time you have to be home on weekdays or weekends or whenever for that matter but I guarantee that you'll miss your parents. It literally happens to everyone so don't be surprised if you get emotional when on the phone with a parent or you complain to them that you wish you were home.
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3. Food
I can not express enough how much I miss the food at home. Not only do I wish I had my mother's home cooked meals but I wish I was home so I had decent pizza that I didn't have to pay for myself and could actual fit the leftovers in the fridge. You don't realize how quickly ordering food adds up and how little money you actually have left from that summer job. Go to the dining hall, even if it's bad you need the money for other things.
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4. Classes
If you think that an 8 am class would be easy enough since you started class earlier than that in high school you're wrong. I made this mistake, the effort to get out of bed in the morning is just as hard and if you really aren't a morning person I would stay away from the 9 am classes also. It isn't easy for all people to make their class schedule so you don't have anything on Friday's but if you have this option do it. It makes your life easier if you want to go home for a weekend. Also, don't sign up for morning classes on Friday's, going out on a Thursday night is a big thing in college so you don't want to be that person who either never shows up or smells like last night's party and is passed out in class.
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5. Weather
In high school, you ran from the parking lot to the building and that's all the rain, thunder, lighting, snow, that you had to deal with for the day. You don't get this privilege in college, oh it's pouring and you have class on the other side of campus? Put on the rain boots and jacket and break out the umbrella cause you have to walk. Didn't really think about that in high school, did you?
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6. TV
I'm not sure if you're an active TV watcher but I hope you like Netflix. The chances that you are able to attain the channels you want from a simple cable wire is slim to none. Make sure you make friends that figured out a way to get the channels that stream Grey's or else you will be missing out on an amazing season.
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7. Friends
You have probably known your current friend group since you were young kids in elementary school if not then for the last four years in high school. You get to make all new friends while in college which don't get me wrong is not a bad thing at all. It just takes time to be as comfortable with these new friends as you were with the old ones. Make sure you have some time of good wifi cause you will most likely be face timing them a lot to tell them how horrible your classes are and how unfair some professors can be.
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8. Pets
If you have a dog or cat or any kind of pet you've grown an attachment to them. They always can bring a smile to your face even in the darkest of days. Print out a picture and put them on your dorm room wall so they always close to you.
Yes, high school might not be the most fun right now, but make it last. You'll never be able to go back and relive these moments.