On Saturday I turned the big 2-1. I am both excited and shocked about how time has gone by so quickly. Turning 21 is known for finally becoming “legal” and being able to drink. Although that is one of the perks of turning this age, there is much more that comes with it. It’s looking over the last two decades of your life and examining the good and the bad. It’s realizing that you are no longer a kid but you’re actually an adult being faced with adult responsibilities. It’s sharing all your experiences with others and planning for the adventures ahead. So here are some things that I have learned in past two decades of my life.
Sometimes it's really good to have less in your life to appreciate everything else a little bit more. Life is short. Focusing on everything sometimes isn’t the best option. Sometimes you have to sit back and appreciate the little things in life and the bigger things will come as more of a surprise.
Too much sleep isn’t a bad thing. It's good to take naps in the afternoon and still be tired at night when you go to bed. We are college students, trying to juggle anything and anything. Sometimes all we need is a good night sleep and a couple naps. Just don’t let sleep get in the way of you enjoying life and everything it has to offer.
Be proud of what you love to do. Don’t let anyone discourage you from doing what you love. Ultimately, it's your life and no one else’s. Don’t let people pick on you or shame you for being different or liking something that they don’t. Live your life and let them live theirs.
Always be up for trying new things. I learned that always being up for adventures, going some place new or trying something new adds so much excitement to your life. Sometimes the best memories come out of spontaneous events. Things you never would have thought would happen or places you never thought you would go. Adventures are out there waiting to be explored. Take chances and be spontaneous.
Remember that you wont get along with everyone. There will be some people in your life that you just can't get along with and that’s okay. You have to just make the best out of it. If you have to work with them or see them every day, limit your conversation with them and try to get along for the short time your with them. Remember everything is temporary.
Take care of yourself. you have to take care of your body and your mind. You are the only person who can control these things. The way you take care of your body contributes to how you feel and act towards others. This goes for both your mental and physical health. You should have ways that you can wind down and relax or even have some times to your self.
Always listen to your gut feelings and your bad feelings as well. It’s always right. Intuition plays a big part in your life, don’t ignore it. On the other hand going with the flow isn’t such a bad thing either. I have learned to go with the flow. I used to go by the book and make sure everything was the way it was supposed to be. I also used to worry too much about people, what they think, things I can’t control and everything in between. You soon start to realize that worrying about that stuff doesn’t help you in any way it just drives you crazy. Going with the flow allows you to be a free spirit and be able to live your life.
Friends and family with come and go. You’ll have a group of friends you will think will be with you forever and years down the road they can be complete strangers. The same thing with family. Families fight or just stop talking to each other completely. It's sad, but it happens. It hurts, but its something that should be expected in life. Don’t dwell on it. On the other hand, some people you may never expect walk into your life at the right time and change your life forever. Sometimes the best people come completely by surprise. In the end, people will walk in and out of your life but that’s their loss, not yours.
Always be humble and kind, without that you become bitter. Some people think they are better than everyone else, let them think that. Know that you are better than everyone else but keep it humble for all to see. “Treat people the way you want to be treated," a slogan we have known since the age of five and still stands true. Don’t be mean to people or abusive towards them. People respond to others being nice rather than them being mean. However, don’t be too nice. If you have thin skin and are too much of a push over, people will walk all over you. Don’t let that happen, stand your ground and stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Believe me, I’ve learned the hard way.
Life is confusing and unpredictable. Sometimes you just have to let go and ride the roller coaster. After all, I would rather ride the roller coaster than the carousel anyway. Know that your immediate family will be there for you no matter what and that they will always have your back. They will love and care for you no matter what happens in your life, they’ll be there to support you every step of the way. They are the most important part in your life, don’t forget that.
Never compare yourself to others, in the end it's not worth it. You’ll drive yourself crazy. Remember to put yourself first every once in a while. Failure is a part of life, mistakes will happen. Remember that it’s okay, because without failure there wouldn’t be success. There’s nothing that ice cream and Netflix won’t fix. Remember not to take yourself too seriously or to put too much pressure on your self. Ultimately, you are an adult but you’re still a kid too. You should be able to live your life and not be stressed; you have the rest of your life for that. Remember that your parents are your biggest supporters. Without them you wouldn’t be where you are today. Don’t take them for granted because one day when you need them, they won't be there to help you. In order to get the most out of life you have to learn to love your self first and everything else will fall into place. Don’t stress about getting married or having kids anytime soon.
Everything will work out just the way it’s supposed to, just give it time. You’re only 21 years old; you have the whole rest of your life ahead of you. It only gets better from here!