Things change as we grow up, and I don't mean puberty. There were sooo many things we hated as children, the world seemed out to get us, and though it still seems that way, we can process those thoughts a little more rationally.
Vegetables aren't as evil as the seemed. And thats why the first item on this list of things we enjoy not is...
1. Vegetables!
Especially salad! And some roasted asparagus or brussel sprouts, my mouth is watering.
2. Naps.
What we would give for a nice nap now a day...
3. Romance.
No more cooties!
4. Siblings.
They're a little more tolerable now :)
5. Parents.
Somewhere along the way they became less embarrassing or you realized how much like them you are... even though you may still not admit it.
6. New food.
Our menu has expanded beyond chicken nuggets... to spicy chicken nuggets!
7. Alone time.
Being alone sucked in childhood! It usually meant we were bored or had been banished to our room. But now! Alone time is precious.
8. Personal hygiene.
Now showers are the best and combing/brushing hair is soooo soothing.
9. Baths.
Our parents had to drag us kicking and screaming to wash off the mud we'd worked so hard to dirty us with. Now though, a nice bath (especially a bubble bath) is the perfect ending to a long day.
10. Cleaning.
Keeping things organized and neat so you can find it is the best feeling!