Ever since I was little, people have always said: "Everything happens for a reason." But do they actually believe that? Do they actually believe people innocent, good people are murdered, abused, raped, and tortured for a reason?
What do they think that reason is?
The answer you'd probably get is "it's all apart of God's plan" or "it made me a better person." The latter might actually be true. Even Bobby believes that the things he's gone through, though fucked up, made him the man he is today, for better or worse.
But do people really think that things happen for a reason or is that something we like to tell ourselves to make life a little more bearable? That's the question, isn't it?
Do I believe things happen for a reason? For the most part, no, I don't. I think good people getting fucked with on a daily basis is for no reason at all. The good people in this world are left to pick up the pieces while the assholes do just fine.
What is Bobby supposed to do with that? Some people would answer this with one word: karma. But what if there is no such thing? Bobby is left suffering from other people's mistakes with no sense of justice. He's left with the pain, the sorrow, and the guilt and for what? Bobby finds himself asking himself "what was the point?" Will he ever get that answer? I really hope so.