Ever lose someone you loved so much you thought you would never smile again? You blamed everyone and everything for your loss. You hated god and the rest of the universe. You just kept asking why. Why my family, why them, why me? But no one could tell you why, it was so unexplainable. If only we could google why every little thing happens, maybe then we would fully understand the world and why things happen to us. But maybe not, maybe it's not that easy. Do you ever think god has a plan for each and every one of us? Maybe you don't believe in god and you think everything that happens to you is a result of your own individual actions. I like to believe everything happens for a reason.
I have been on this lovely planet earth for the past twenty years. Some of us have been here for only five, some of us sixty. But one thing we all have in common, we fall sometimes.
If you're a human being you have questioned the good and the bad in life. Why do such amazing people die young? Why do bad things happen to good people? If only it was as easy as an explanation. People try to be as good as they can be, volunteer every weekend, donate to charities. But there is no such thing as earning a good life. Everything that happens, it happens for a specific reason.
You could have had the worst year of your life, you totaled your car, your dog died, you got laid off. Guess what? You are still alive, still breathing. Instead of questioning the good and the bad, we just have to learn to be thankful for it. It may be hard to understand why you should be thankful that you got rear-ended on the way to work, but believe it or not, it happened for a reason.
People sometimes walk out of our lives, instead of looking at it as a loss we should see it as an opportunity to help us learn to let go. Bad things happen so that we can appreciate and recognize the good. Good things fall apart, so better things can come together.
If you don't believe everything happens for a reason, then why does it happen at all?
Could things actually happen for no reason? It'd be pretty tough to explain. I believe some people are at fault for their own mistakes, but that mistake was somewhere in the universe meant to be. If it didn't happen now, it would have happened later.
Maybe I'm a little naive, or maybe I just find comfort in believing that bad things that happen in life will one day benefit us as individuals. So believe it or not, you can't predict the future or alter your future by trying to be better.
Never regret a single thing, it cannot be changed, it cannot be undone. Take every day as a lesson and move on. Everything happens for a reason.