When you're on a Catholic university campus, here are some things that are bound to happen.
1. You get religious holidays.
Whether it's something as big as Holy Week, or a day to recognize someone you've never heard of, you get at least a few hours off from class. No Class Go To Mass can really come in handy, whether you're going to mass or not.2. You learn more about Catholicism than you've ever known.
No matter how much you know about the religion, there is always more to learn. If you don't learn it all in your freshman year Theology class, you'll definitely be an expert by the time you graduate.
3. You make friends with the nuns.
They're always around, whether they're teaching your TRS course or playing basketball with you. On occasion, they'll even teach you to tap dance (but only if you ask nicely). Of course they're just like any other students, but they wear habits and are much nicer. They always have the best advice and the best cookies.
4. You go to mass.
It's a given. But whether you're religious or not, at some point, you'll end up in the Basilica or St. Vinny's. Whether it's to hear a friend cantor or please your teachers, or just to see what it's like. After your first venture...
5. You have a favorite mass.
It's not like in high school, when you just went to mass whenever your family went. You know most mass times, and you have your favorites. You have been to enough masses at varying times on Sunday to know that you like the 4:00 in the lower Basilica because it has the music your old church had. Or, you prefer the 9:00 at St. Vinny's, because that's when all your friends go and they have an awesome choir and band. Not to mention the truth bombs Father Jude drops when he gives the homily.
6. Some famous people have services.
Although they may not be living while they do. Justice Scalia's funeral was held at the National Shrine a few weeks ago, and he wasn't the first VIP to have a service on your humble campus. And every now and then some rumors fly... people still claim they saw Miranda Cosgrove stopping by that one time.
7. You make great friends.
Friends who pray together stay together. Or something like that. On a campus with such a religious and devoted student body, it's no surprise you make some friends who are just as kind and committed.
8. You listen to Christian music.
Maybe it's not on purpose. Maybe it is. But whether it's the Audrey Assad visiting on campus (or supposed to be visiting!) or just your roommate's Christian rock Spotify playlist, you're bound to end up hearing and humming a few tunes. Especially after Freshman Retreat.
9. Your find yourself.
College is the time you learn who you are, especially when you're at a Catholic university. Between life talks with your RAs, dorm drama, all your classes, and the homilies in mass each week, you begin to learn who you are. You understand your beliefs, your religious views, and your own personality.
10. You bond with your classmates in a special way.
How could you not? You have so many special experiences with them that you may not at any other university. You go eat together, study together, do community service together, and go to mass together. You'll know the other students better than you would anywhere else.
11. You brag about your campus.
Of course. You go to a school with beautiful grounds, and you're proud of it. You couldn't believe how nice the campus was when you visited, and you tell all your friends from home about it, sending them pictures all the time.
And of course...
12. Sometimes, the Pope comes to visit.
Yeah. It's okay. You have bragging rights on this one. If you're really lucky, your school has the most papal visits of any in the country.
This is only a short list, but it's definite proof that going to a Catholic university is a uniquely amazing experience.