As a girl, we are told that we can’t do this, we can’t do that, yada yada yada, and then we’d turn around and see boys doing the things we just got told we can’t do. When we would ask adults why we can’t do those things, we’d get the ever so simple yet complicated answer that was because we are girls. I am here to refresh your memory of the bias words that we experienced in our youth and that we experience now.
1. Sit with their legs open.
This one always really got me mad as a little girl. I was a serious tomboy and sat with my legs open all the time. I understood that it wasn’t ladylike, but I was 7 years old and was far from being a lady just yet.
2. Burp without fear of judgement.
I was taught not to burp in public like the rest of the world, but even in the comforts of my own home my mom yells at me for burping, yet if I am over one of my male friends’ houses and they burp, their moms say nothing. God forbid a girl burps in front of their grandmother or anyone for that matter. God forbid a girl has any bodily functions at all.
3. Text first.
This one is a big one. Girls are not allowed to text guys first, and that makes me mad. If a girl has the confidence and knows what she wants, she should be allowed to text a guy first without being called crazy. It’s like if girls text first, then automatically they become marked as 'crazy.' Do guys have conversations with their friends and say,” This girl texted me first, and she’s such a psychopath.”
4. Have the opposite sex in their room.
This one to this day gets me angry, I have always had a lot of male friends, more male than female, and I was never able to have them over my house and talk without being within earshot of one of my parents. Yet, if I went over their house, their parents didn’t even bat an eye if we went in their room and *gasp* shut the door. If girls did that, they would have their parents down their throat telling them how inappropriate it is, even if they’re literally just friends.
5. Have sex with multiple people without being judged negatively.
Guys are praised by their friends whenever they have sex with someone new, yet us girls are constantly scared of increasing our number. If a guy has sex with two girls in a week, he gets high fived; if a girl has sex with two guys in a week she gets called a slut. This is the biggest bias against women, and unfortunately, I think it will always be that way.
6. Be able to have sex with someone without them thinking you want to get married.
Guys seem to think that girls automatically want to marry them after sex, we don’t. But apparently guys don’t get that sometimes. Sometimes we just want to have fun too. Is that so bad?