I have been gluten free for 5 years now and it hasn't been easy! I love food, so it was very difficult to make the transition into the GF lifestyle. However, there are so many options now and I think it's about time that we straighten some things out for the gluten eaters out there. Here are 10 things gluten eaters don't understand:
1. Celiacs disease is an allergy to gluten, not a terminal illness.
2. Everyone's reaction to gluten is different and no, we do not like talking about what happens after we eat it.
3. We don't do it because it's trendy !!! Seriously, who would voluntarily give up gluten?
4. Being gluten free doesn't make things healthy. Just because the Oreos you are eating are GF doesn't make them any less of Oreos.
5. Yes, being gluten free is a challenging but it really isn't that bad.
6. I understand you "would just die" if you couldn't eat gluten and it doesn't make my allergy more pleasant for knowing so.
7. It's not the "lack of gluten" that is giving the bread a weird taste it's the substitution flour.
8. Listening to you make gluten free jokes is the equivalent of listening to someone get made fun of their peanut allergy.
9. Just because you think something is gluten free doesn't make it so... The package actually has to state it is GF.
10. Gluten is a real thing. Barley, wheat, and rye all have gluten.
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