26 Things Frank Ocean Has Probably Been Doing Instead Of Releasing His New Album | The Odyssey Online
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26 Things Frank Ocean Has Probably Been Doing Instead Of Releasing His New Album

Four years later...

26 Things Frank Ocean Has Probably Been Doing Instead Of Releasing His New Album

If you are a big Frank Ocean fan like me, you know it has been four years since the release of his last album, "Channel Orange." This hiatus is pretty significant and longer than most artists go between albums. The much anticipated album, "Boys Don't Cry," has been reported to come out several times over the past few years, but still hasn't. A lot of fans are wondering what he's been doing in this significant amount of time. Here are some possibilities.

1. Cleaning his room from the previous tornado.

2. Thinking way too far ahead about forever.

3. Selling his beach house in Idaho.

4. Spending too much time alone and behaving like a teenager.

5. Laying a baby in a cradle because it's time to go to sleep.

6. Living the sweet life.

7. Realizing that it's not just money that matters.

8. Hanging out with super rich kids.

9. Taking joy rides in a Jaguar.

10. Using said Jaguar for batting practice.

11. Starting every day on the roof.

12. Ending every day on the roof.

13. Getting washed three times a day.

14. Asking if they sew wings onto tailored suits.

15. Only sharing the refrigerator with his significant other.

16. Spending all of his time with Pilot Jones.

17. Trying really hard to keep grown women sober.

18. Staying at his condo on a cloud.

19. Shuckin' and jivin', stealin' and robbin'.

20. Singing to John Mayer while he plays guitar.

21. Introducing children to Pinterest.

22. Being absolutely gorgeous.

23. Modeling for Calvin Klein.

24. Hanging out with Tyler the Creator.

25. Trying to swim well.

26. Laughing at the fact that we've been freaking out over a new album for four years.

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