You guys have done so much for me and I hope you know those things haven't gone unnoticed. I want to take the time now to thank you for some of the things that I should have thanked you for more over the years.
Thank you for showing me constant, unwavering love. No one on this earth will ever show me the type of love you guys have. Thank you for loving me through all my bad days, temper tantrums and terrible teens.
Thank you for not killing me when I was 16 and had just about the worst attitude in the whole world.
Thank you for always wiping my tears away; whether it was due to a scraped knee or a broken heart, you guys always managed to make me feel better.
Thank you for attending every academic ceremony, chorus concert and dance recital. No matter the event, big or small, I can always count on you guys to be in the audience, cheering me on.
Daddy, thank you for teaching me how to change a flat tire, check my oil and shoot a gun.
Thank you for financially supporting me all of these years. You've made sure I’ve always had what I needed, in addition to spoiling me with the things I wanted.
Speaking of lots of money, thank you for paying for my not-so-cheap college tuition.
Mommy, thank you for always editing and proofreading my papers, even when I send them to you the day before they’re due.
Thank you for transferring money into my account because too often my account gets close to empty, and I have no idea how (hehe, oops).
Thank you for always listening to me when I just need to complain about my day. And then reminding me that things aren’t nearly as bad as I make them out to be.
I’ve done my fair share of babysitting, and I am well aware of how annoying and draining it can be to take care of a child. So thank you for not putting me up for adoption or leaving me in a box somewhere.
Thank you for teaching me proper manners. Life has exposed me to some rude people, and it has made me thankful that I was raised the right way.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of respecting myself and standing up for the things I believe in.
Thank you for always supporting me and the choices I’ve made, even when you weren’t necessarily thrilled with my decisions.
Thank you for being strict and overprotective parents as I was growing up. I hated it at the time, but it kept me from being a hood rat.
Thanks for giving me my very own real-life baby doll when I was 9 years old. Having a little brother has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.
Thank you for all the advice you’ve given me throughout the years. Even when I don’t take the advice, I still value your opinion and guidance. Sometimes I just have to learn things the hard way.
You both have always believed in me and encouraged me to be the best possible version of myself. You never allowed me to sell myself short or underestimate my abilities. You’ve helped me grow and flourish into who I am today, and I wouldn’t be anywhere good without your love and support.
Thank you for all of this and so, so much more. I may technically be an adult now, but I will always need my mommy and daddy. And I will always be your little girl.