The first year of college is a whirlwind of emotions, no matter how great or poorly people hide it. It takes you a while to get settled in, and get acquainted with the campus. My first week here on campus has had its ups and certainly its downs. My friends and I have even come up with a hashtag line whenever we stick out like a sore thumb. #JustFreshmenThings comes up often whenever we do something that only freshmen would be thought of as doing. Below are some of our finest moments from the first week of freshmen year including stories from other freshman around the country, it's relatable and embarrassing.
1. You Show Up to Class 20 Minutes Early
Ok let's be real here, almost all first year students show up 20 minutes early to class because we often worry we won't find it, or we'll be late otherwise. It's practically in our nature to show up that early for absolutely no logical reason. It's pretty obvious to upperclassmen but to be honest, they've been there too.
2. Walking Through the Campus Sprinklers Because You Just Don't Know
Yeah so I don't know about you but people have been quite famous for walking through the middle of the quad at night and not realizing there are sprinklers. If this has ever happened to you, we've all been there. As first years, you don't know the ins and outs of the campus yet and it can be super embarrassing for you and comical for anyone else watching you.
3. Gaining the Freshmen 15
This is a given for most freshmen due to the wide variety of food available to you. You no longer have family to breathe down your neck every second telling you what to eat. Your parents are no longer there to buy food for you or take you out to dinner, so you're kind of in control over everything you eat. Comfort foods are always the go to because you naturally miss the food at home. It's easy to sleep in and eat ramen and mac and cheese everyday for convenience. You'll head to Chipotle, or sometimes non-healthy options when your meal swipes run out. The gym may be super convenient, but you feel like you no longer have any energy.
4. Being Afraid to Use the Bathroom When You Have to...
OK, this may be a weird topic to write about, but it's completely true and accurate. Most freshmen aren't used to using a community bathroom, and it is a really hard concept to get used to. Everyone feels the exact same way so don't sweat it too much. To be completely honest, once you get used to it you find ways to beat the rush of people in the bathroom if you're really self-conscious...
5. Making a Complete Fool Out of Yourself
Have you ever thought you were having a really good day and then all of a sudden... Smack! You trip up the stairs if that's even possible.. ? To make maters even worse, did you trip up the stairs to find a really handsome man laughing at you? Well, it's happened to the best of us and there's no way to avoid this awkward moment. If you ran up one more flight of stairs even when it wasn't necessary just to avoid him, you've officially had a "Just freshmen moment".
6. Leaving the Shower on Too Long
As I mentioned earlier, this article is comprised of stories from freshman all over the country. Well, a friend of a friend told a story that was way too good not to publish. Taking a shower is a daily activity and should cause any damage, right? Well, this poor first year left the shower on for way too long causing the fire alarm to go off... Yikes! Not only was she embarrassed that she had to run out in a towel, but she was embarrassed that she was the one who made the whole building evacuate! Sounds like something only a freshmen would do.
I hope everyone's first week of freshmen year was just as exciting as ours! Here's to our new chapter in life!