For many people, elementary school was so long ago, it is hard to remember. If you need a smile or a blast from the past, here are some things you probably didn't forget about your childhood days.
10. Trading lunches
No one ever loved the lunch they got from the cafeteria or what their parents packed them. We all spent half our lunchtime deciding who to trade sandwiches and snacks with to create the perfect lunch. No one ever ate their original lunch.
9. Having to wear sneakers to school on "gym days"
You did not want to be that kid who had to sit out during gym because you forgot to wear sneakers. Gym in elementary school was a second recess a.k.a the best thing ever!
8. Making "wish lists" for the book fair because you forgot money
The worst days were when you showed up to school and completely forgot to tell your parents about the book fair. All your friends bought cool new books, pens, posters, and bookmarks, and you just got a piece of paper where you wrote down what you wanted from the fair. Did we ever get what was on that wish list? Usually not.
7. Asking for playdates
Back in these days, we had to ask about everything! We all remember having the plan that was well thought out prior to asking whoever picked you up from school to have a playdate. There was always the begging and pleading for them to say yes, so you can hang with your friend for one more hour in the day.
6. Field day
THE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR. Field day was always toward the end of the year, which meant summer was around the corner. Our parents and siblings would come to the fields and watch us participate in relay races and games. The biggest deal was finding out what color your class t-shirt was!
5. The letter that said your teacher for the year
I spent many summer afternoons tracking down my mailman with my mom to get my letter that stated who my teacher was for the year. Nowadays, they probably just post it on a portal. After finding out who the teacher was, the phone would frantically ring with my friends' parents asking which class I had. There was no better feeling than hearing you had class with your best friends.
4. Half days
Half days are every elementary school student's favorite! The short day of school meant more time playing with friends and hanging at home. We never understood why we had them, but we never complained!
3. The D.A.R.E dance
After completing the D.A.R.E program in 5th grade, we received a "dance." In 5th grade, we all thought this was the biggest deal ever. You know you asked someone to go with you on the playground during recess as your "date." This was equivalent to prom in a 5th grader's mind.
2. The anxiety of waiting to hear if it was indoor or outdoor procedures
During the morning announcements, the principal would say if recess was outside or inside for the day. Indoor procedures meant watching a 10-year-old movie in the auditorium; no one ever wanted that! We wanted to play running bases outside.
1. Thinking middle schoolers were so old
They were huge in our minds. Sixth graders were so cool and had "the best life." Middle schoolers got to change classes multiple times a day and had so many different teachers. We all wanted to be them.