College is, to say the least, overwhelming. Between going to class, studying, extracurriculars, Greek life, and going out, it can be incredibly difficult to remember what is most important.
1. Find your balance. Obviously, it's important to find a good balance between the most important commitments: school, work, Greek life, and going out. Too much of one thing means everything else suffers, so it's important to make time for the things that matter most. As great as binge watching Grey's Anatomy is, in the long run, it's definitely better to study for your business calc test. In effect, having just enough of a lot of things will give you more fulfillment than completely indulging in just one thing. Balance, y'all.
2. You are the most important person in your life. Take care of yourself. At the end of the day, you are truly the only person you have. Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. As much as you want your friends to love themselves, you should want the same for yourself. So in the same ways that you are kind, respectful, and loving to your friends and family, treat yourself the same way. You deserve it.
3. You are who you are for a reason. You have heard it since grade school: "You are unique! Be yourself!" As cliche as this idea has become, it still rings true. You like what you like, and you are who you are -- don't be ashamed of that. Embrace your individuality. Why would you want to be some version of somebody else? Personal differences are what make you memorable, so own up to them, discover them, show them off. You are exactly who you are supposed to be; don't take it for granted.
4. You are not a burden. As much as college is filled with some of the best times of your life, it is also going to be filled with the hardest times of your life. It's okay to have problems and it's okay to get help. It does not make you weak, and it does not mean defeat. If anything, shelving your pride to admit that you need to get help is one of the most courageous things anyone can do. Your friends love you and want the best for you and will always, always want you to come to them when you need someone to talk to. Your problems are not a burden to them, I promise.
5. Don't take anything for granted. I was blessed enough to move from the suburbs of Detroit to Charleston, S.C. for college, and if I could thank my family every day for it, I would. No matter where you go to school, the freedom and relatively little responsibilities of being an undergrad are truly amazing, so don't forget to take a step back every once in a while to appreciate what you have. Take advantage of every opportunity to be a better version of yourself, because college is full of them. Don't squander your privilege, because it is a fine thing if you use it correctly. Most importantly, make sure whoever is paying for your education gets a proper shout out every once in a while, because they want the best for you.
6. Don't be so harsh on yourself. As long as you are doing everything you can, you are doing it right. You don't have to get an A on every exam and paper, and every night you go out does not have to be the-best-night-ever. You are not a whale; stop putting yourself down for not having a "perfect body." You are smart enough; one bad grade doesn't define how well you do in the class. You won't end up "forever alone;" just because there are no decent guys in your life, right now, doesn't mean there never will be. You are a great person. Start believing it.
7. No one cares about your zit. We have all had our fair share of disastrous face blemishes before and everyone is too busy worrying about their own zits. So stop picking at it; you are only making it worse.
8. Do not let a boy's opinion of you define how you see yourself. While I have many guy friends that are unbelievably intelligent and great judges of character, I know at least twice as many that are shallower than a teaspoon and whose opinions should never be taken seriously. College guys can be meaner than the cattiest girls at your high school for no reason other than an inferiority complex, so, please, do not let his opinion define how you see yourself. There will be plenty of guys that are going to make you feel loved and important, so hold out for them, because when you meet them, you are going to want to be at your best. Besides, you do not and will never need a boy to validate you. You are amazing, beautiful and important with or without a boy telling you that you are.
9. You are enough. It's easy to tell yourself that you are not enough: not smart enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough. It's one thing to want to push yourself to be better, but it's another to put yourself down for not being perfect when you have given it your all. You are exactly who you are supposed to be, because of the simple fact that you exist. Always strive to improve, because that's how you become the best version of yourself, but don't ever forget that in this very moment you are enough.
10. If you feel like something is missing, there probably is. If you are not content with the way your life is going, and you feel like there is some sort of void, then fill it. Dedicate yourself to something that fuels your passion, or spark a new one and stick with it. Trust your gut; you know yourself better than anybody else does. If there is a disconnect, you'll know how to fix it. Obviously, be healthy about this. If you feel like there is something missing, don't try to remedy it by going out four nights in a row instead of addressing the problem. Start doing community service, read books, or go to yoga once a week. Even the smallest lifestyle changes are healthy.
11. Take some time to be alone every once in a while. One of the most important things I have learned in college is that taking the time to be alone is often one of the best things you can do for yourself. Constantly being surrounded by people is great, and having a solid group of friends is all you need to have a good time. However, it is easy to lose focus when always surrounded by other people. Taking time to yourself to regain a hold of where your priorities lie is so imperative. Being alone for a little while grounds you, and allows you to remember who you are at the very core of your being. You have your own goals, priorities, and quirks that work together to make you who you are, so take the time to remind yourself of what those are. As scary as being alone with your own thoughts can be you have a beautiful mind and soul; remember to explore them.
12. Be confident. Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear. Every women's magazine I have read preaches that to no end -- and above anything else. If you have to spontaneously give a speech on something you know absolutely nothing about, as long as you say it with sincere confidence, whoever is listening will probably believe anything you say. Don't be afraid to be comfortable in your own skin.
13. Be patient. If I have learned anything from almost 20 years on this earth, it's that time heals everything. I can almost guarantee you the first boy who broke your heart, that you swore you would never get over, is nothing but just a painless memory. All you have to do is wait out the storm, because afterwards you will discover that everything is a lot greener and a whole lot more beautiful. Take your time and let yourself heal from whatever breakups and personal tragedies you experience. Be patient and let time work its magic.
14. Don't apologize for your emotions. You feel what you feel for a reason. Your emotions are valid because you felt them. Do not let anybody trick you into thinking otherwise.
15. Don't take anything too seriously (especially yourself). College is full of temporary moments and people, so don't let yourself get too wrapped up to the point where you might miss something great. Don't let yourself stress out over the small stuff. Give yourself room to make mistakes -- that's how you learn (and college is the best time to do it). It's okay to make a fool out of yourself, so stop taking yourself so seriously and go have fun.
16. Above all else, remember that you are loved. Even when you feel inexplicably sad, and don't feel loved by the people closest to you, try to remember that you truly are loved. Your family loves you and your best friends love you, and you are amazing, talented, and beautiful just as you are. College is complicated and finding yourself is insanely difficult, but through it all don't ever forget that you have a support system.