Ah yes, the beautiful Syracuse, N.Y., centrally located in the Empire State, that's adorned with salt potatoes, Jazz Fest, and Syracuse basketball. At first glance, Syracuse may seem like a gorgeous place to live and at times, yes it can be.
But winter is a weird, seemingly never-ending time here in Central New York. And the rest of the seasons aren't much better. Spring never shows up and goes straight to summer, and summer gets in the way of fall. Traditional seasons? Not here in CNY.
New York just does what it feels like and goes with the flow, much to everyone's chagrin. Sometimes we even skip over seasons and go straight to six months of snow and ice. If you don't live in NY, maybe now you can understand why we are always constantly complaining and asking ourselves these questions.
1. The weather can be beautiful, except when it's not.
Syracuse has this weird paradox about it where the sun could be shining and the sky could be free of clouds, but it's still as cold as the South Pole and windier than Chicago. Which then leads to the question...
2. How do I even dress for this weather?!
Am I supposed to wear shorts? A t-shirt? A parka? WHO EVEN KNOWS
3. Is that snow or am I just hallucinating?
It's probably snowing. I just don't want to admit to myself that it's snowing yet again.
4. Should I even look at the weather report any more or am I just going to be disappointed again?
The weatherman said it was going to be partly cloudy with sun today. It decided to rain instead. Why do you crush my hopes and dreams, weatherman?
5. Oh good, I can't wait to experience winter for the 33rd time this year. Hopefully spring will be back next week.
HAHAHAHAHAHA not. Spring is never coming and we'll probably just skip right to summer.
6. Do seasons even exist in this damn state? I don't think seasons exist.
I haven't seen them since '03 so lemme know if anyone finds the seasons that we still apparently have.
7. If science didn't prove global warming to me, this extreme weather sure did.
Bring the non-believers to New York and see how quickly they change their minds.
8. Why did I take my winter clothes home? Winter doesn't 100% go away until late May.
This thin cardigan ain't protecting me from NOTHING. I am a fool, a DAMNED FOOL.
9. How are those guys walking around in basketball shorts and t-shirts? How do you live? TELL ME YOUR SECRET.
Like seriously, do boys not feel temperature? Do their toes not get cold? Teach me how to stay warm through anything.
10. Everyone wonders why New Yorkers are so cranky sometimes. This is why. This is exactly why.
The weather has taken my soul away from me. I no longer possess it. It does not exist. Carry on and let me be miserable.
11. I've just given up drinking weather appropriate drinks. I'll drink iced coffee even in -10 degree weather because CNY weather has taken my soul.
Yeah I know it's freezing cold and my hands should be frostbitten by this point, but IDGAF. Carry on.
12. I don't think my body will ever acclimate to any other sort of weather pattern ever again.
My body can't handle constant changing weather but it somehow can't handle consistency either? CNY has scarred me for the rest of my life.
13. Oh look, it's snowing again. What joy.
That's a good question, Frank. The world may never know.