As a third year accounting student, I think I have a pretty good understanding of accounting (I could also be very wrong because my senior accounting friend had to help me with this list). But this one is for the accounting majors out there. I personally think that some of these are pretty funny, but someone once told me that accountants (and future accountants) don't have a sense of humor, so we'll see.
1. Debits on the left, credits on the right.
2. Doing the same type of problem 5 different times, each with a different method.
3. "What even is this number?"
4. Assets = Liabilities + Equity
5. One does not simply skip accounting class.
6. Hearing the younger accounting majors complaining about the single-step income statement.
7. Why am I missing $10,000??
8. Even worse: why am I missing $100?
Everything must balance. Always.
10. One does not simply not do the homework.
11. "You're not fully dressed without your EPS."
This one is specific to my accounting professor, but I will never forget my EPS.
12. You forget that the Statement of Changes in Stockholder's Equity is a financial statement.
13. Accounting is fam.
You will never see another major again. You better get to know the people in your accounting classes, especially during the second year, because you guys are probably going to have every accounting class together.
14. The business building is home.
15. When you tell people your major is accounting:
16. Accounting is the center of the universe.
Keep calm because it's "accrual" world out there.