As an education major, people are always telling me negative things that they think I should hear. I smile and nod along, but on the inside, I am rolling my eyes.
What people do not know, is that I know what I am getting myself into, and I cannot wait! Education majors are in this field for a reason. We are extremely passionate about what we are going to be doing. And we do NOT want to hear the negative things that you may have to say.
Here are some things that education majors are so tired of hearing.
1. "You must not want to make a lot of money."
News flash! We chose this major because it is what we are passionate about. We do NOT want to hear about the income that we will make.
2. "You better have some extreme patience!"
Yes, we know. We have known this since day one, and it is not a problem for us.
3. "Get ready to be sick all of the time!"
We have been preparing for this since the day we decided to go into teaching. We know.
4. "I wish I got to play with kids all day instead of work."
You clearly know NOTHING about teaching if you think that it consists of playing with children all day long.
5. "I bet it's nice to have such an easy major."
Tell that to all of the all-nighters I've pulled from studying and mental breakdowns I've had so far this semester.
6. "I bet you went into teaching for the summers off."
Real original, never heard that one before.
7. "Wow, you're really brave."
It doesn't take bravery to be a teacher. Kids are NOT scary to work with. All it takes is a passion for teaching.
8. "You better marry someone rich!"
Just stop talking. Now.
9. "It's going to be hard to find a job."
I won't be speaking with you until you do your research. The job market in education is greatly on the rise. There are jobs everywhere.
10. "I could never do that."
Well, then I am glad that you are not becoming a teacher. Kids deserve someone who WANTS to teach them.
11. "Why would you want to go into that?"
Do NOT say these things to education majors. After all, we are teaching the future of this country. We are shaping the lives of others and society. We are helping students to reach their academic success so that they can one day choose whatever career that they want.
Don't you want your own children to have a good education? So do all of us education majors a favor, and STOP speaking negatively about our future career. Because we love it.